Tag Archives: j.j. lin

ZX Flux

adidas Originals



We supported the launch of adidas Originals’ ZX Flux sneaker in China by creating two spots with celebrity brand ambassadors Charlene Choi (蔡卓妍, singer / actress) and J.J. Lin (林俊杰, singer / songwriter). The sorts tell the story of JJ and Charlens’s favorite ZX Flux colorways and design patterns. These pieces were shot in Hong Kong and Taiwan respectively.

为帮助adidas Originals的ZX Flux鞋款在中国地区上市造势,我们与其品牌代言人蔡卓妍(歌手/演员)、林俊杰(歌手/创作人)合作,分别创作了一支短片。短片中呈现了林俊杰与蔡卓妍最爱的ZX Flux鞋款配色和鞋面纹样。这两支短片分别拍摄于香港和台湾。



Seasonal Campaign

adidas Originals

We created the 2014 Spring / Summer seasonal campaign for adidas Originals. Working with celebrities and brand ambassadors Eason Chan, Fan Bingbing, Charlene Choi, and JJ Lin in raw authentic urban environments, the campaign key visuals communicated the true street fashion spirit of the brand.

The campaign was shot in Beijing, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, with assets used throughout Greater China in retail / point-of-sale, digital, and print media. For the project, we collaborated with Los Angeles-based photographer Ben Miller and Beijing-based photographer Chen Man.

我们为adidas Originals中国大陆地区2014年春夏系列创作了季度广告。这次的主视觉真实展现出其品牌代言人陈奕迅、范冰冰、蔡卓妍和林俊杰的形象,在真实的城市场景中还原了品牌的街头时尚精神。

该系列广告于北京、台湾以及香港拍摄,作品被广泛运用于大中华地区的品牌零售店铺、网络和平面媒体的广告栏。与此同时,我们与来自于洛杉矶的摄影师Ben Miller和北京摄影师陈漫共同合作完成了这一季的平面主视觉。

Eason Chan – All Originals


Eason Chan for adidas Originals Festival Collection


Fan Bingbing / All Originals


Fan Bingbing for adidas Originals x Farm Collection


J.J. Lin / All Originals

Charlene Choi / All Originals