An Experiment with Alchemy

April 21, 2017 2017年4月21日



Each year, China-born and Japan-based fashion designer Leonard Wong releases a new short film for his self-titled label during fashion week. Created in collaboration with the creative duo INSIDE FLESH, Wong’s latest film, Alchemy, accompanies an experimental clothing line of the same name. The garments depicted in the film aren’t available to the public but acutely convey Wong’s affinity for bold lines, one of the most vital aspects in all of his designs.

《ALCHEMY》是由居住在日本的华裔时装设计师Leonard Wong为他的同名服装品牌所创作的的艺术短片,由INSIDE FLESH执行拍摄。每年的时装周发布会上,Wong会在发布时装设计作品的同时,也发布一支关于他品牌的艺术短片。那些出现在短片里的试验线服装,虽然不是生产后投入市场的成衣,但这些短片呈现出了Leonard Wong品牌试验线的意识形态,也是他设计作品中不可或缺的一部分。

Wong brought in Poland-based performance artist Sylvia Lajbig and Japanese dance duo AyaBambi to create this experimental film. The choreography for Alchemy is characterized by raw, explosive power, an energy that’s infused with feminine grace and surreal tension. Moving in a new artistic direction, the film appropriately conveys Wong’s ongoing mission of breaking out of conformity in order to create something new and exciting. “I’m good friends with AyaBambi in my personal life. We’ve collaborated many times in the past in all sorts of different ways. I feel like our auras are quite similar. And because of our like-mindedness, the video shoot went quite smoothly.”

在这支短片中,Wong邀请到日本双人舞蹈组合AyaBambi与形为艺术家Sylvia Lajbig合作。她们所创作的舞蹈以爆发力为特点,编舞具有女性的阴柔之美,但同时又以诡异的张力著称,其中也不乏夸张的艺术手法,这种打破传统的表现方式和Leonard Wong一直追求的品牌理念——“颠覆传统,特异独行”契合度很高,性格中的相似性让他们不谋而合。Wong和我们分享道:“私底下我与AyaBambi就是好朋友,有过几次不同形式的合作,我感觉我们的气场很合很投缘,在拍摄的过程中一切都进行得非常顺利,因为我们的想法也都很接近。”

Inspired by the actual protoscience of alchemy, Wong describes creating this experimental fashion line as his discovery of the Philosopher’s Stone, which is a legendary alchemical substance that’s known as being able to bestow immortality and give access to an unbridled energy, one that can transmute rocks into precious metals and merge humans with animals to unpredictable results. Watch the entirety of Leonard Wong’s magnum opus above.

这支短片的创作灵感来自于炼金术 (alchemy),并以此命名。炼金术象征永垂不朽,一种肆无忌惮的能量使石头变为金属,也融合了人类和动物,带来的结果无法预料。点开上方视频,看看Leonard Wong营造的实验性世界吧。





Contributor: Ye Zi
Video & Images Courtesy of Leonard Wong





供稿人: Ye Zi
视频与图片由Leonard Wong提供