Mist Encounter 供雾所

June 25, 2018 2018年6月25日



In the outdoor plaza in front of Taipei Fine Arts Museum, a structure of scaffolding and mesh beckons passersby within the folds of its flowing fabric and swirling mist. Mist Encounter is an installation project designed by Serendipity Studio and Kuan-Wei Chen Architects, created with the goal of showing people how invisible air currents constantly interact with our bodies and movements.

Using a water mist system, the installation gives unseen airflow visible shape. As the mist drifts through and around the draped textiles, unrestricted by the boundaries of the square aluminum frame, it’s difficult to discern where the installation ends and begins. The free-flowing mist continuously takes on new forms – transforming based on the sun’s position and the wind’s intensity – to create different experiences for visitors throughout the day.

Mist Encounter is one of the many inspiring participants that blur the line between art and design in the 2018 Golden Pin Design Award. This year’s call for entries will end on June 28 at 5 pm (GMT+8). Visit the Golden Pin Design Award website for more details.

在台北市立美术馆门前的广场上,一个由鹰架和白色织网搭建的临时建筑装置吸引着路人踏入其飘逸的织网与薄雾旋流中。《供雾所》(Mist Encounter)是由偶然设计(Serendipity Studio)与陈冠玮建筑师事务所共同打造的一个装置项目,希望令观众意识到平时隐形的空气是如何与我们的身体和动作互动的。


《供雾所》是 2018金点设计奖参赛作品之一,和许多精彩的参赛作品一样,它模糊了艺术与设计的界线。今年大奖报名时间将于 6 月 28 日(GMT+8)下午 5 点截止。浏览金点设计奖官网,了解更多详情。


Facebook: ~/MistEncounter


Contributor: David Yen
Images Courtesy of Serendipity Studio & Ethan Lee


脸书: ~/MistEncounter


供稿人: David Yen
 Ethan Lee 提供