Magazine B – Acne Studios



Founded in 1996 by Jonny Johansson and three partners, with only 10,000 euros, Acne was first launched as a small advertising and design agency in Stockholm. One day, the company produced just 100 pairs of jeans to emerge as Stockholm’s representative denim brand. In 2006, Acne separated its fashion endeavors to create an independent brand called Acne Studios, and since then has consolidated its position as a major contemporary fashion house that crosses between the realms of fashion, culture, and art. Learn more about this power fashion house in the 61st issue of B magazine.

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Product Details:

  • Year of Publication: 2018
  • Language: English
  • Number of Pages: 140
  • Dimensions: 17 cm x 24 cm

《B》 第61期 “Acne Studios”




Acne 由 Jonny Johansson 和三个合作伙伴于1996年创立。 最初作为一家位在斯德哥尔摩的小型广告和设计机构, 草创时资金仅有10,000欧元。Acne是 “Ambition to Create Novel Expression(创造一种崭新表现的野心)” 的缩写,特点是作为一个创意的集合体, 大家在这里可以自由地做任何想做的事情,正如同名字所示。 有一天,他们制作了100件牛仔裤, 因而窜起成为斯德哥尔摩代表性的丹宁品牌之一。 2006年,Acne 将时尚事业分离出来,创立了一个名为 Acne Studios 的独立品牌,从那时起就巩固了其横跨时尚、 文化和艺术领域的当代时装品牌的地位。




  • 出版年份:2018
  • 语言:英文
  • 页数:140
  • 尺寸: 17 x 24 厘米

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