The first Star Wars film was released in 1977. Over the past four decades, this chronicle of galactic war and adventure has established itself as an American pop culture icon, generating tremendous revenue and attracting an enormous fandom across the globe. During that time, Star Wars has grown into a universe all its own, spawning TV series, video games, toys, and theme parks. The audio and visual technologies used in the films have also provided a foundation for Industrial Light & Magic and Skywalker Sound, two film production companies that have had a far-reaching impact on the film industry. Take a trip into a galaxy far, far away in the 42nd issue of B magazine.
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Product Details:
- Year of Publication: 2015
- Language: English
- Number of Pages: 140
- Dimensions: 17 cm x 24 cm
《星球大战》第一部曲于1977年上映。 自从问世的过去四十年来, 这部关于星系战争的传奇探险故事已经成为美国流行文化的经典标志 ,创造了巨大的收益并吸引到全球为数众多的粉丝。这段期间内,《 星球大战》已经发展成为一个自体运行的独立宇宙, 延伸出各种电视剧、电子游戏、玩具和主题公园。
- 出版年份:2015
- 语言:英文
- 页数:140
- 尺寸: 17 x 24 厘米