We launched a new experimental brand for Coca Cola called Yo! Tea (唷! 茶). The flavored-tea brand embodies the free spirited attitudes of China’s post-90 & 00’s generation and riffs on the recent explosion of street / hip-hop culture throughout Greater China.
Our work for Yo! Tea is ongoing as the brand tests the market and continues to grow, but to date, deliverables have focused mainly on packaging design, copywriting, OOH and POS key visual advertisements, as well as a variety of internal strategy and branding efforts.
我们为可口可乐品牌全新推出的实验品牌 – 唷! 茶的上市提供了全方位创意支持。近两年该多风味茶饮料在大中华区以嘻哈街头风为卖点以表达中国90后00后的新生代大学生放飞自我、无拘无束的自由精神。
在品牌初期上市和扩张期,我们为唷! 茶的创意内容产出尚在不断增加,迄今为止,我们主要负责其全线产品包装设计、文案创作、户外广告、门店主视觉硬广以及各种内部策略推广物料。