We created a video series called “城市嘻游” (URBN Playground) for Beats By Dre. 城市嘻游 roughly translates to “Urban Playground” with a play on the Chinese characters “嘻” (used in the word for hip-hip) and “嬉” meaning “play” or “having fun” — both have the same pronunciation.
The series celebrates hip-hop culture in different Chinese cities with a few of the scene’s hottest rising stars: JelloRio, a Chendgu-based rapper known for his unique, homegrown vocal style mixing English, Mandarin, Sichuanese dialects; Al Rocco, a cross-cultural American-born-Chinese rapper based in Shanghai; and Nikki Chen, a talented hip-hop dancer based in Taipei.
In each episode, we follow one of the talents as they travel through the city. We see their hoods, their day-to-day, their personal experiences. They share with us their understanding of hip-hop culture and the role of music or dance in their life. Viewers are offered a rare, authentic glimpse into their off-stage personalities.
我们为Beats by Dre创作了主题为“城市嘻游”系列短片。“城市嘻游”这一概念以“嘻”来体现嘻哈精神,也取“嬉”之谐音来体现在城市中玩乐的故事。
在这一系列中,我们聚焦当下的中国嘻哈文化,讲述了三位当红嘻哈新星与其城市的故事:活跃于成都的说唱歌手李佳隆,他以其混合英文,普通话和四川方言的说唱风格著称;活跃于上海的美籍华裔说唱歌手Al Rocco,他以其跨文化的作品为人所知;还有来自台北舞艺精湛的街舞舞者陈妍臻。