We are creating ongoing cover art for a new series of episodic “Audible Original” content developed as “cinema for your ears” for mainstream entertainment audiences who don’t regularly read books, so the objective was to create artwork that feels more like a movie poster than a book cover.
This series is available globally via the Audible app, but is marketed heavily to an Indian audience.
我们正在为新系列的“Audible Original”内容创作一系列的封面设计,这些内容意在打造成为“听觉电影”,适用于不定期阅读书籍的主流娱乐受众群体,因此目标是创作出一个与传统书籍封面相比更偏电影海报的设计。


India’s scariest incidences are often witnessed by the most unexpected sources – the rickshaw drivers who work late at night, the factory workers, the delivery boys who travel far into India’s interiors, etc. This series recounts their most hair-raising real life tales, the strange phenomena, ghost sightings and supernatural incidences they’ve witnessed with their own eyes. Cinematic sound design allows listeners to travel the country with them, late at night, in the back seat of their car, in the back corner of a factory, as they retell these incredible tales. The series is narrated by the subjects themselves, a first-of-its-kind eye witness series meant to transform listeners’ evening commutes as they too wonder, what tales their own driver can tell.
For this cover artwork, we collaborated with Mumbai-based artist Aaron Pinto.
我们与现居于孟买的艺术家Aaron Pinto合作完成了此封面设计。

This series removes the stigma from openly talking about mental health by two comedians who share their own mental health journey and guests on every episode (comedians, actors, experts, etc.) who are funny, honest and completely unashamed to talk about what’s been an otherwise taboo subject in India.
Mental Health is completely normal. Talk about how you’re feeling. Vent. Laugh with friends. Don’t feel ashamed to tell others how you feel.
For this cover artwork, we collaborated with Mumbai-based artist Priyanka Paul.
我们与现居于孟买的艺术家Priyanka Paul合作完成了此封面设计。

A fictional drama about hidden desires and unfulfilled lust in a relationship. This is the first completely uncensored romantic audio drama in India (featuring the first ever audio sex scene). “Yours” is cheating on her husband and has a secret she hasn’t told “Mine”. “Mine is hiding something from Yours too. As we listen – from first hookup to a full blown affair as we listen in hidden hotel rooms, dark corners and even in Paris – we, the audience, discover Mine and Yours are keeping a secret from us too. This is the 50 Shades (minus the chains and whips) of audio entertainment.
这是一部关于隐藏与未实现的欲望的虚构爱情故事。它也是印度第一个完全未经审查的浪漫音频剧(有史以来本土第一条以音频性爱场面为特色的剧)。“Yours”背叛了丈夫并藏有一个秘密,她没有告诉“Mine”。 “Mine”同时也对“Yours”有所隐瞒。我们可以聆听 – 如同我们在酒店的隐秘房间得知他们的第一次秘密见面,从黑暗的角落甚至到巴黎 – 我们作为听众们逐步发现Mine和Yours也对我们保有秘密。这是50度灰(除了手铐和手鞭)版的音频读物。
SPOT DADA / Cover Art

Every major Bollywood set is home to hundreds of spot boys and crew who are privy to the most intimate, unvarnished behind-the-scenes stories. Because they are invisible and their presence often ignored, they hold the secrets to the stars… until now. This is the saga of greed and glamour, power and passion, art and ambition and deceit & debauchery. One man for the last 40 years has seen it all. Manohar Patil -lovingly known as Spot Dada – someone who started as a spotboy when he was a mere lad and went on to become the wise old Banyan tree, a permanent fixture on those film sets that are worth the headlines.
This dramatized series, reveals their most salacious secrets from the sets. This series is fictional but inspired by the real confessions, secrets and stories of Bollywood crews.
For this cover artwork, we collaborated with Mumbai-based artist Ajinkya Bane.
宝莱坞的每一个主要场景都能找到数百名现场剧组剧务,这些人与剧组沟通最紧密,然而很多人却对他们朴素的幕后故事一无所知。因为他们是隐形的,而且他们是最容易被忽略的群体,所以他们将秘密隐藏深久……直至今日。这是一部贪婪与魅力,权力与激情,艺术与野心以及欺骗与放荡的传奇故事。在过去的40年中,只有一个人看到了这一切。Manohar Patil – 素有“Spot Dada”之称,当他还年轻的时候就开始做剧务,如今仿若一棵睿智的老榕树,穿梭于各个电影剧组的片场中。
我们与现居于孟买的艺术家Ajinkya Bane合作完成了此封面设计。

In this series, improv comedian Kaneez Surka sets her best friends up on blind dates. This is comedy meets love connection meets an exploration of the highs, lows, and awesomely awkward adventures of dating.
This series is for listeners who are new to dating and find comedy in the hilariously ugly side of right swipes, hook ups, and awkward hellos.
For this cover artwork, we collaborated with Mumbai-based artist Priyanka Paul.
在这个系列中,即兴喜剧演员Kaneez Surka安排了她最好的朋友进行盲眼相亲。这是一部讲述在爱情中遇到高潮,低谷和约会的尴尬冒险探索的喜剧。
我们与现居于孟买的艺术家Priyanka Paul合作完成了此封面设计。

India’s first audio music documentary. This series tells the stories of 20 of India’s best new upcoming hip-hop artists- from Prabh Deep, to Naezy, to Sez on the Beat, etc. These are the most exciting storytellers in music today. They bring the voice of the streets, the stories of the gullies where they grew up with them in the music they make. They’ve not yet hit mainstream stardom and they’re not out to get it. They want their voice and their message to be heard.
For this cover artwork, we collaborated with New York-based artist Nehal Josh.
印度的第一部音频音乐纪录片。 该系列讲述了印度时下最新的20位嘻哈歌手的故事-从Prabh Deep,到Naezy,再到Beat的Sez……在每一集中,歌手们都会通过一首他们创作的原创歌曲来讲述他们的生活。这些是当今音乐领域中最激动人心的故事主人公们。他们将街头的声音和与在他们成长的地方小巷所发生的故事融入进他们的音乐。他们尚未受到主流的关注与成功。他们希望他们的声音和传递的信息能够被大众所听到。
我们与现居住于纽约的艺术家Nehal Josh合作完成了此封面设计。
BE STUPID / Cover Art

In each episode, Vir Das and his guest reveal how stupid decisions in your career, your love life, your relationship with your parents…can change your life for the better.
The happiest, most successful people do stupid sh*t. Defy convention, break the rules – we’ve been taught to live by the rules. But no life worth living, or career worth having comes from a straight and narrow path. Give yourself the freedom to do stupid sh*t in your life and career because it may just be the best decision you’ve ever made.
For this cover artwork, we collaborated with New York-based artist Nehal Josh.
受此演讲启发,Vir Das和他的客人在每一集中都揭示了关于事业、爱情生活、与父母的关系中所做的愚蠢决定是如何可以使生活变得更好。
最幸福和最成功的人都会做愚蠢的事情。违反惯例,突破规则 – 我们一直被教导要遵守规则。但是,一条直线而狭窄的道路使得生活缺少意义,职业规划缺少乐趣。给予自己自由去做一些生活和事业上的蠢事,因为这可能是你做出的最佳决定。
我们与现居住于纽约的艺术家Nehal Josh合作完成了此封面设计。

India’s first post – “Section 377 Legislation” LGBTQIA audio series by Oscar-winning producer Guneet Monga and director Mozez Singh. The series features coming out stories, love stories, stories of the fight against 377 with the lawyers who helped dismantle it, and intimate interviews with celebrity allies such as Vicky Kaushal, Richa Chadda and Manish Arora. This series celebrates the triumph, joy and the struggle of the most essential human fight – the fight for the freedom to be who you are and to love who you love.
For this cover artwork, we collaborated with Mumbai-based artist Ajinkya Bane.
奥斯卡获奖制片人Guneet Monga和导演Mozez Singh在印度发布的第一个关于“第377条立法” LGBTQIA音频系列。该系列节目讲述了出轨、爱情、与协助律师一起抗争377条例的故事,以及此系列中也有与名人朋友如Vicky Kaushal,Richia Chadda和Manish Arora的亲密访谈。本系列庆祝人类史上最重要的斗争的胜利、喜悦和奋斗 – 为能够成为真正的自己与选择自己爱的人的权利自由而斗争。
我们与现居于孟买的艺术家Ajinkya Bane合作完成了此封面设计。

The biggest music artists in the country bring you a radically honest look at how they have hustled their way to the top and cracked the code of success. The 10 episode series is an unapologetic, raw look at their tryst with music and their winning formula that continues to drive them.
Immersive sound design, performance, music and writing make this a true movie of the mind that encourages listeners and dreamers to write their own destinies.
For this cover artwork, we collaborated with Berlin-based artist Archan Nair.
我们与现居住于柏林的艺术家Archan Nair合作完成了此封面设计。

Swami Hasyadev Maharaj is Vir Das’s spiritual alter ego, a sweet-talking guru who touts the miraculous power of laughter and offers disastrously misguided advice. He’s so convinced of his beliefs, and so endearingly out of his depth, that you might just wonder if he’s onto something. Starring Suresh Menon in his first series on Audible.
For the cover artwork, we collaborated with Mumbai-based artist Ajinkya Bane.
Swami Hasyadev Maharaj 是 Vir Das 精神上的另一个自我。他是一位慈祥的宗师,相信笑声所带来的奇迹般的力量,并总能给出非常糟糕且不合常理的建议。Swami Hasyadev Maharaj 十分坚定地相信自己的信仰,而且表现出超出了他自己的深度的可爱,使听众情不自禁的开始相信他自己的那套糟糕又不合常理的建议。由演员苏雷什·梅农(Suresh Menon)配音,这是他在Audible上呈现的第一个系列。
我们与现居于孟买的艺术家Ajinkya Bane合作完成了此封面设计。

Agla Station Investigation is a true-crime parody series. Each episode features sergeant Aishwaryuh and two detectives investigating a new “crime”——such as a stolen office lunch or a doll that’s missing its head—that hardly warrants an investigation.
Under the leadership of Aishwaryuh, the two airheaded detectives of the petty crimes division—Aiyadaman and Chanaka—are quickly whipped into shape. Despite solving a record number of cases, the ambitious Aishwaryuh isn’t content with being stuck working small-time misdemeanors. She’s eager to move up the ranks and work homicide cases, which she eventually succeeds in doing.
Both victims and investigators in this series treat these humdrum occurrences with the seriousness of a gritty crime drama. Agla Station Investigation is an absurd sendup of a familiar genre.
For the cover artwork, we collaborated with Mumbai-based artist Priyanka Paul.
《阿格拉站的调查》是一个真实犯罪模仿秀的系列。每集讲述的都是由新来的探长和两名探员一起调查一个不同的 “犯罪活动”,例如:丢失的办公室午餐,没有头部的洋娃娃等这类不太值得进行调查的事件。
在这个系列的故事里,受害者和探员都使用对待真正的犯罪活动一样的严肃态度来对待这些单调乏味的日常事件。 《阿格拉站的调查》是以一个搞笑浮华的的方式来模仿一个熟悉的犯罪节目的故事。
我们与现居于孟买的艺术家Priyanka Paul合作完成了此封面设计。
A WEEK TO KILL / Cover Art

A Week to Kill is a stand-up comedy series created and hosted by Abish Mathew.
In an ultimate test of comedic wit, each episode of A Week to Kill features a guest comedian who’s given a week to put together a brand-new standup set around an assigned topic—which they then perform in front of a live audience.
From brainstorming jokes to practicing delivery, the series offers a behind-the-scenes look at the creative process of different stand-up comedians. But under such a tight deadline, will they kill it or bomb on stage?
A Week to Kill是由Abish Mathew创作和主持的单口喜剧系列。
在这场幽默与睿智兼并的终极考验中,A Week to Kill的每一集都会邀请一位喜剧演员以全新脱口秀形式在现场观众面前表演。在正式上台前每位喜剧演员只有一周的时间去围绕指定主题做准备。
从笑点的苦思冥想到最终的呈现,该系列将喜剧演员们的创作过程及幕后花絮一齐提供给听众。 在如此紧迫的时间内,他们的作品究竟是被临末枪毙了还是被完美演绎了呢?
JAB WE SEX / Cover Art

Jab We Sex is a sex-education show that covers every topic you should know but are too afraid to ask – from contraception to pleasure and everything in between, including some serious topics like abuse.
We often shy away from pleasure or getting the information we need because we’re too afraid to ask. This series provides a safe space to satisfy every question. Jab We Sex celebrates sex — not just sex without shame, but opening up our experiences to a world of pleasure.
For the cover artwork, we collaborated with Mumbai-based artist Durvesh Gaikar.
《Jab We Sex》是一部性教育系列节目,其内容涵盖了那些难以启齿的主题 – 从避孕到性愉悦的全套知识,甚至包括一些比较严肃的主题,比如虐待等。
我们常常谈性色变以至于我们不敢开口去问。 该系列提供一个安全且舒适的空间来满足听者对于每个问题的渴望。《Jab We Sex》倡导性爱 – 不仅是毫无忌惮的性爱,更是引领我们进入一个性享乐的世界。
我们与现居孟买的艺术家Durvesh Gaikar合作完成了该系列的封面设计。

Sasural Wonder Phool is about the daily routine and adventuress of a small sex clinic in old Delhi run by a multigenerational family and how it affects the married life of the lead couple.
The series is ultimately a heartwarming family comedy set against the backdrop of eccentric clientele, sexual taboo, and sometimes questionable means helping improve relationships.
For the cover artwork, we collaborated with Mumbai-based artist Anil Saxena.
Sasural Wonder Phool讲述了位于旧德里的一家由几代家庭经营的小型性诊所的日常工作和经历,以及这些经历是如何影响主角夫妇的婚姻生活。
我们与现居孟买的艺术家Anil Saxena合作完成了该系列剧集的封面设计。

Hello Jaanu is about five ordinary married women’s lives that are turned upside down when they join a “premium caller line” (as romantic chat service) and begin indulging their romantic fantasies with strangers who call in.
The series is full of comedy as the women begin opening up – on the chat service and in their own romantic lives.
For the cover artwork, we collaborated with Mumbai-based artist Anil Saxena.
《Hello Jaanu》讲述了五位普通已婚女性加入了“高奢电话热线”(即线上浪漫聊天服务),并开始与来电的陌生人放纵自己的浪漫幻想。她们的生活由此发生了翻天覆地的变化。
随着女主角们渐渐敞开心扉,故事充满了浪漫喜剧色彩 —— 不断在线上聊天服务和自己真实的浪漫生活中切换。
我们与现居孟买的艺术家Anil Saxena合作完成了该系列剧集的封面设计。