23 Temple Street

May 9, 2017 2017年5月9日

Hong Kong’s Temple Street is without a doubt one of the most iconic locations in Kowloon, known for being home to one of the busiest night markets in the territory. Using Google Street View, South Australian artist Joshua Smith traversed the famous street and stumbled upon a building on the corner of Temple Street and Hi Lung Lane. Inspired by an explainable appeal of the structure, the miniaturist set off recreating the building in its exactness over the course of three months by using a combination of reference photos from friends visiting Hong Kong, photos provided by locals, and of course, Google Street View. The result is an intricate diorama of 23 Temple Street, constructed with fiberboard, cardboard, wood, plastic, spray paint, wires, and chalk pastels. His 1:20 scale counterpart includes an array of mind-blowing details, such as a traditional Hong Kong street shrine on the sidewalk, complete with offerings of oranges; various street poster ads, shoddily pasted all over the exterior of the building; and even his own graffiti, sprayed on the rolling metal doors. Check out the entirety of his replica below.

作为香港最繁忙的夜市之一,庙街无疑称得上是九龙最著名的地标之一。来自澳大利亚南部的艺术家Joshua Smith 利用 Google 街景, 深入探索这条著名的香港街道时,无意中发现了庙街和熙龙里拐角处的一栋大楼。这栋位于庙街23号的大楼建筑结构极具特色, 激发了这位微缩模型大师的创作灵感。他在三个月的时间里,参考去香港旅游的友人所拍摄的照片,当地人们拍摄的照片以及 Google 街景照片,按1:20的大小将这栋大楼制作成一个比例准确的微缩模型,使用的材料包括纤维板、纸板、木材、塑料、喷漆、电线、粉笔粉彩。这个1:20的微缩建筑模型拥有众多精妙的细节, 譬如在人行道上的香港传统街头神龛, 前面还摆着人们用来供奉神灵的橘子;各种各样胡乱粘贴在建筑的外表上的街头海报广告;他甚至在金属门上加上了自己的涂鸦细节。一起来看看他的这个微缩模型作品吧。

Website: iknowjoshuasmith.com
Facebook: ~/JoshuaSmithStencilArtist
Instagram: ~/joshua_smith_street_artist


Contributor: David Yen
Images Courtesy of Joshua Smith

网站: iknowjoshuasmith.com
脸书: ~/JoshuaSmithStencilArtist
Instagram: ~/joshua_smith_street_artist


Contributor: David Yen
Images Courtesy of Joshua Smith