As the fight for equality and mainstream acceptance continues for LGBTQ groups, cinema has become an important medium in sharing authentic vignettes of the queer experience. Filmmakers from all over the world are using cinema to invite discourse on the injustices being faced by these sexual minorities. With the second annual Shanghai Queer Film Festival kicking off on September 21st, we take a look at a few of our favorite short films that’ll be shown this year.
随着 LGBTQ 群体(同性恋、双性恋、跨性别者和酷儿)争取平等和主流认同等运动的持续推进,电影,也成为了分享同性恋经历真实片段的重要媒介。来自世界各地的导演及电影人,正试图以电影来引起人们对这些性少数群体所面临的、不平等也不公正的境遇进行讨论。在第二届上海酷儿影展开幕之际,我们选取了几部将会于现场展映的短片电影,以一窥在亚洲地区 LGBTQ 群体的生活。
Slingshot Prince / 《拿弹弓的王子》
The story takes place in 1995 in a small southern China village.
At the center of the film is a 12-year-old tomboy who’s been ostracized by her community for being unfeminine. Loathed by neighbors and family’s alike, the misunderstood protagonist feels cornered by the village’s archaic views on gender. Boys her age pick on her and shame her for being different. Her family, embarrassed by her “eccentric behavior,” is equally unsupportive, shunning her while they coddle her younger brother.
那是在 1995 年中国南方的一座小村。
12 岁的女主人翁是个中性打扮的“假小子”,言行举止与传统温良贤淑的小姑娘差别迥异。但在传统思想的禁锢中,这个特立独行的姑娘并没有得到来自家人和邻里的理解和尊重,大家眼里的她并非个性,而是怪异——家人感觉脸上无光,对她的弟弟更宠爱有加;而同龄的男孩子,却因她的不同而百般不爽,借机羞辱了她一番。
Slingshot Prince isn’t completely fictional. Director Lin Sixing based the film on real-life experiences—a blend of childhood memories and fictional plot elements. Arriving at the filming location, a village seemingly stuck in the 90s, Lin says all of his memories from his youth came flooding back to him: “The location, colors, lighting, and even sounds really brought me back to my childhood and reminded me of how I viewed the world back then.”
At the turn of the century, China’s economy and society underwent massive changes, and the village where Lin was born wasn’t exempt from the effects of modernization. “In a radically shifting society, self-doubt not only comes from within. It stems from a misbalance of societal validation with self-affirmation,” Lin states. “And those indoctrinated by the Confucian Ideal of Great Harmony repress their desires to express their individualism.”
By the end of the film, the tides turn for the protagonist—she stands up for herself, getting her revenge by picking off each of the boys who humiliated her with her slingshot.
这《拿弹弓的王子》(Slingshot Prince)的故事绝非“纯属虚构”。对导演林思新来说,这部电影来源于他的少年经历,真实的过往和虚构的电影情节交杂。而影片背景设置在 90 年代的村镇,则“真正还原”了导演对那个年代的记忆——“不论是拍摄场地,色彩,光线,或者是声音,全部都如实地还原了我少年时对这个世界最初的认知。”

Sorry for the Inconvenience /《抱歉打扰了》
In rural towns and villages where queer culture hasn’t quite been accepted, it’s not uncommon to see discrimination or even acts of violence against LGBTQ individuals. This is especially common in Asia-Pacific and Africa, where, statistically, sexual minorities have been the most marginalized groups in society.
These experiences are brought to light in Filipino director Carl Chavez’s Sorry for the Inconvenience. The short film is centered around Joshua, a timid teenager who’s bullied by classmates for not being masculine enough. In a fit of rage, he exacts revenge on them but things don’t go as planned. Desperate, he turns to his father, a local policeman, for help.
无独有偶,来自菲律宾的导演 Carl Chavez 也在影片《抱歉打扰了》(Sorry For The Inconvenience)中叙述了类似的经历。在他的影片里,害羞胆怯的少年 Joshua 被同学霸凌,尽管复仇的火焰一经萌生就再难浇灭,但实际操作起来却有重重阻碍。无奈之下,他只能寻求自己当警察的父亲的帮助……

Pink Pill /《粉色药丸》
No matter if its gender identity or sexual orientation, anyone who deviates from the norm can easily find themselves shamed and vilified.
The film Pink Pill takes place in a small riverside town in Sichuan. Zhang Ke, the main character of the film, is a high school sophomore whose secret relationship with Chen Xue, a female classmate, is outed after her diary is read out loud in front of the class. As a result, Zhang is maliciously bullied day after day.
《粉色药丸》(Pink Pill)发生在四川一个江边小城,高二女孩张鹤的日记被人发现,旋即被堂而皇之地念了出来。她与另一个陈雪之间的暧昧关系,从此昭告天下。随之而来的,是无尽的恶意。
Li Bo is one of Zhang Ke’s classmates with a long-time crush on her. He’s heartbroken seeing her bullied daily. Even though he’s normally timid and passive, he steps up, getting into fights to protect her. As the two grow closer, Li starts imagining that maybe his love can change her. What if sexual orientation was like a typo, something that can be easily corrected?
As the film progresses, Li’s frustration reaches a boiling point. His originally good-willed intentions transform into a selfish desire to change her. He yells at Zhang, denouncing her sexual orientation and calling it an illness. The story leaves viewers pondering just how much intolerance and bigotry exists in this world, hiding in plain sight.

For this year’s Shanghai Queer Film Festival short film competition, the featured films explore different LGBTQ perspectives from all over the world. Together, these vignettes paint a larger narrative around the state of modern society and how LGBTQ culture has been molded by the countless hurdles and obstacles faced by individuals along the way.
在本次“上海酷儿影展 SHQFF”中的亚洲短片竞赛单元里,我们会看到更多发生在亚洲的性少数人群的故事,以及他们所代表的 LGBTQ 文化,究竟是如何在一次次反抗和碰撞中显形的。

As gender identity and sexual orientation becomes increasingly blurry in modern times, the meaning of queerness equally demands greater diversity. Through cinema, SHQFF hopes to not only portray the reality of the LGBTQ experience, but it aspires to bring about much-needed change in the world.
This year, the second annual SHQFF will take place between September 21st and September 26th. Themed around the concept of “Generation Q,” the featured films looks to offer a well-rounded perspective of queer culture in modern times. Apart from the screenings, panels and various discussions will also be held during the event.
今年,第二届上海酷儿影展将于今年 9 月 21 日至26日隆重回归。本届影展决定将眼光放至更多元的维度,以“Generation·Q·世代”为主题,和观众一起通过来自不同文化的精彩酷儿影片,见证光影中的酷儿迭代。而在影片放映之外,第二届上海酷儿影展还将为大家带来精彩纷呈的映后讨论及论坛。
Website: www.shqff.org
WeChat: SHQueerFilmFestival