Japan’s seminal electronic music label, Far East Recordings, is finally getting its due—almost two decades after producing some of Japan’s most infectious deep house and jungle tracks of the late 80s and 90s.
Far East Recordings founder Soichi Terada and his fellow pioneering producer, Shinichiro Yokota, made tracks that destroyed dance floors in obscure corners of the house music world. Yet even in their native Japan, Far East Recordings seldom garnered the appreciation that its impressive discography commanded.
日本的开创性电子音乐唱片公司 Far East Recordings 曾经制作了日本 80 年代末和 90 年代最热门的 House 和 Jungle 音乐。二十年后的今天,他们的成就才最终获得应得的肯定。
Far East Recordings 的创始人 Soichi Terada 和著名制作人横田信一郎(Shinichiro Yokota)合力制作的曲目曾经震撼了 House 音乐这个不起眼的角落;然而,即使在他们的家乡日本,Far East Recordings 唱片公司的出色音乐制作却一直未被获得恰当的赏识。
Yet thanks to a compilation released in 2015 by the Netherlands-based label, Rush Hour Records—aptly titled Sounds from the Far East— the prime selections of Far East’s discography are sending crowds of partygoers into sweat-ensconced frenzies on dance floors and under festival tents the world over.
Neocha contributor Bejan Siavoshy sat down with one-half of Far East’s driving force—Soichi Terada—in Tokyo to discuss, among other things, his early influences, Far East’s inception, and what it is like to be a touring musician years after the music you’re being celebrated for was made.
Listen to our audio interview with Terada in full here.
转机出现在 2015 年荷兰厂牌 Rush Hour Records 推出的一张选辑。这张选辑恰如其分地命名为《Sounds from the Far East》(《来自远东的声音》),当中所挑选的曲目再一次点燃世界各地派对动物在舞池和音乐节中被汗水笼罩的狂热。
Neocha 供稿人 Bejan Siavoshy 与 Far East Recordings 创始人之一 Soichi Terada 在东京见面,一起坐下来聊了聊关于他们的早期影响、Far East Recording 的成立,以及他们创作的音乐在多年后终于得以巡演的感受。

Website: fareastrecording.com
Facebook: ~/SoichiTeradaMusic
Contributor, Interviewer, & Photographer: Bejan Siavoshy