
We created two animated spots for LYCRA® showcasing the brand’s unique LEG CARE technologies: graduated-compression functionality, the anti-laddering design of LYCRA® FUSION™ fiber, and the easy-donning characteristics of LYCRA® MyFit™ fiber.

LYCRA®’s LEG CARE technology is used in leggings to provide users with a second-skin fit and superior comfort while relieving fatigue.

The spots bring to life the technical aspects of the product design via relatable storytelling for LYCRA®’s target audience.

The work was placed in stores worldwide and on global digital media.

我们为Lycra品牌全新推出的Leg Care科技创作了两条动画短片,以展示该科技独特的渐进式包裹力技术:Lycra Fusion防脱散纤维,以及Lycra MyFit弹力纤维。




Leg Care Technology x Fusion Fiber



Leg Care Technology x MyFit Fiber



Retail Art Program




Via a retail art program, we created an inspiring consumer experience for Levi’s in its newly opened Shanghai flagship store on Nanjing Road.

We collaborated with Jiaxing-based street artist Sheep Chen to develop a series of murals with his signature vivid colors and powerful brushstrokes. The four-piece mural is executed atop swaths of denim-blue walls and designed to evoke the sense of freedom and fearlessness intrinsic to Levi’s® brand ethos of authentic self-expression.

The artwork is loosely inspired by the mythical Kingdom of Atlantis, a technologically and spiritually advanced civilization ruled by a beloved, benevolent queen. The murals depict the monarch in mermaid form, and other symbolic elements— such as a heart, sun, and star — emphasize the brand’s commitment towards encouraging the younger generation to wear their heart on their sleeve and remain fearless when expressing their personal convictions.

In addition to the murals, select artworks from the project are also now available as limited-edition t-shirts.


我们与以鲜亮配色和有力笔触为作品特点的嘉兴街头艺术家Sheep Chen合作,在Levi’s店铺内创作了一系列壁画。该作品由四部分组成,以大⾯积的丹宁蓝作为基底,绘以延续灵动的姿态带给观者一种无所畏惧和自由表达的Levi’s品牌精神。



Process Photos

Limited Edition T-Shirt





We collaborated with NBA China to create a fun animation featuring basketball legend Tim Hardaway.

The animation looks back on Hardaway’s rookie days on the Golden State Warriors, the camaraderie he built with teammates Mitch Richmond and Chris Mullin, and how all of it culminated into RUN “TMC,” one of the greatest NBA trios of all time.

The animation is part of an ongoing storytelling series we are creating for NBA to raise awareness among China basketball fans about the league’s history and culture.

我们与NBA中国合作,为其制作了一条动画短片以讲述勇士队传奇球员Tim Hardaway的故事。

在这条动画短片中,Hardaway回顾了其在金州勇士队的新秀时期与队友 Mitch Richmond及 Chris Mullin 的友情建立,以及他们三人如何组成了有史以来最伟大的NBA传奇三人组 – RUN “TMC”。
