100 Days of Bloody Dairy

January 25, 2017 2017年1月25日



An inquisitive swan hiding inside a banana, the liquefied remains of a melting cat being lapped up by another cat, and an endless parade of refrigerator-dwelling penguins – these are just some of the surreal happenings in Bloody Dairy, a project conceived by animator and motion graphics designer Min Liu. Inspired by #The100DaysProject, an initiative that aimed to galvanize a person’s creativity by having them perform an action for 100 consecutive days, the Taiwanese artist challenged herself to publish a unique animation every single day.

香蕉里冒出一只东张西望的天鹅,像雪糕一样融化了的猫,从冰箱中列队而出的企鹅。这些荒诞有趣的场景都来自于《Bloody Dairy — 一个由台湾动画师及动态图形设计师Min Liu创造的短动画合集。最初做Bloody Dairy是受到#The100DaysProject 的启发,一个通过不间断创作100天来激发艺术家创意的项目。 Min Liu借此挑战自己,在连续的100天中每天发布一个独特的小动画。

“When I started this, I just wanted to do something fun and push my sanity,” Liu recalls. And so, with a typo while registering her Instagram account, Bloody Dairy was born. The resulting work of the project – which is entirely dual-chromatic, combining red, black, and her adept useage of negative space – was difficult as expected. “I had to finish and upload an animation before 12 am every day, which left me no time to overthink it,” she says. “With a limited time frame and compositional limits – since Instagram only supported square videos at the time – it was interesting to see what I can create inside that little box.” During those 100 days, the inspiration for her delightfully absurd animations ranged from of random musings of everyday life to observations of her two cats. “Cats are aliens,” she remarked. “Just look at them.”

“开始做这个项目的时候,我只想画一些好玩的东西,同时逼迫大脑保持创作的敏锐度。” 她说。由此便诞生了Bloody Dairy》, 叫这个名字也是因为注册Instagram的时候打错字而弄巧成拙 。我只用红黑两个颜色,再结合背景的留白去绘画,这样的创作方式比我想象的更困难。“ 我要在每天半夜12点之前上载我当日的作品,这让我没有时间多想。” 她说,“由于时间有限,而且当时Instagram也只能上载正方形的素材,这样的限制让事情变得更有趣,看看我能在这个小盒子里变出些什么。” 在这100天中,我除了从日常生活中随机找灵感以外,便是观察我的两只小猫。“猫根本就是外星生物,看看它们就够了。”

As for other sources of inspiration, Liu revealed that one of her favorite artists is Junji Ito, a Japanese manga artist who’s notorious for his disturbing horror stories. Taking this into consideration, it’s not surprising to, at times, see her work give nod to the macabre. From a character unzipping her flesh to reveal spines and rib bones to a beheaded female holding her own soon-to-explode floating head tied to a string – Liu’s work doesn’t quite traverse into the unsettling like Ito but is tastefully sprinkled with her signature style of dark humor.


Not immediately obvious in Bloody Dairy, but for Liu’s past and ongoing collaborations, it’s evident that music also plays a prominent role in her creative process. She animated the award-winning music video for “Wide Awake,” a 2016 track by Brooklyn-based electronic-rock band A Love Like Pi; designed promo visuals for multiple Taiwanese bands as part of Taiwanese Wave, a New York music festival dedicated towards up-and-coming Taiwanese musicians; and is currently working on Italian rapper Mecna’s new music video.

虽说在Bloody Dairy中不是很突出,但观察Liu的其他作品,你可以明显地看出音乐是在她创作中占很重要地位的。例如她其中一个获奖作品Wide Awake,就是为来自布鲁克林电子摇滚乐队 A Love Like Pi 的一支单曲创作的音乐录影带。Liu还为Taiwanese Wave制作了几个本地乐队的宣传动画,Taiwanese Wave是一个在纽约致力于发掘台湾的新生音乐力量的音乐节。除此之外,Liu也正在为意大利说唱歌手 Mecna 绘制她的音乐录影带。

At the end of the 100-day long project, she compiled all of the GIFs from Bloody Dairy into a three-minute long short film under the same name, which went on to win numerous awards from various film and animation festivals. “I’m still on the path to finding my own style, but I think I’m at a good place now,” Liu humbly says. “I’m still quite new in this field but I’ve learned a lot from all the people who I’ve worked with.”

在100天动画项目结束了之后,Liu把Bloody Dairy里所有的小动画集合起来,制作了一条三分钟长的同名动画短片。这部短片带她去到一连串的电影节和动画艺术节。 “我还在不断确立自己的个人风格” Liu谦虚地说  “我在这个行业中其实还是个新人,我从和我一起工作的人身上学到了不少东西”

From now through February 5th, works by Min Liu and other various Taiwanese artists will be on display at the Visual Taipei exhibition as part of Graphic Design Festival Paris; the exhibition is an extension of the successful showcase that debuted last year at World Design Capital Taipei. Later this year, she also has plans of releasing a sticker pack for the LINE messaging app. “Motion graphics has been booming these last few years,” Liu says excitedly. “I can’t wait to see how the industry progresses in the future.”

从现在起直到2月5日,Min Liu和几位其他台湾艺术家的作品将会在Visual Taipei展览,这也是巴黎平面设计展的一部分,作为去年在台北世界设计之都成功首展之后的一个延伸。今年,Liu还有计划和LINE通讯软件合作推出一个贴纸系列。“这几年动态影像发展地很快”,Liu兴奋地说道,“我很期待看到这个行业未来的发展。”


Instagram: @bloodydairy


Contributor: David Yen
Video Courtesy of A Love Like Pi & Min Liu


Instagram: @bloodydairy


供稿人: David Yen
视频由A Love Like Pi与Min Liu提供

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