Japan is a true mecca for dining and local delicacies; the region is renowned for its unique cuisine, which is championed by fresh local produce and exceptional chefs. Although quality restaurants may be bountiful, getting a coveted reservation can be problematic for travelers. Enter TABLEALL – an online platform that aims to bridge the gap between high-end Japanese cuisine and gastronomy lovers.

Throughout his 15 year career at Goldman Sachs, TABLEALL founder Takashi Yamada found himself frequently entertaining clients at top restaurants in Japan. Not only did his patronage enable him to build connections with Japan’s best chefs but it also shed light into the loss experienced by the restaurant when reservations were cancelled at the last minute. Yamada was also frequently called upon by frustrated friends who were exasperated by Japan’s non-inclusive methods for booking reservations. All of these factors paved the way towards the lightbulb moment of creating TABLEALL.
TABLEALL创始人山田隆(Takashi Yamada)在高盛(Goldman Sachs)任职15年期间,经常会到日本的高级餐馆招待客户。这些经历让他结识了众多日本最顶级的厨师,同时也让他明白到许多餐馆常常会因为客人在最后一刻才取消预订遭受损失。此外,山田隆也经常会听到朋友抱怨日本餐馆太难订座。所有这些因素加在一起,让他最终产生了创建 TABLEALL 这个平台的想法。

“I knew there had to be a better way. The experience of Japan’s rich food culture is something I love about the country, and is one of the leading causes of tourism, but it is often too inaccessible. Tourism and inclusiveness are very important for Japan’s sustainability. I see TABLEALL as my contribution to Japan’s future.”
“我觉得应该有更好的方式(预约订座),日本丰富的饮食文化是我热爱这个国家的原因,也是当地旅游业的主要吸引力,但有时要品尝到美食并不容易。旅游业和包容性对日本的可持续性发展有非常重要的意义。对我来说,TABLEALL 算是我对日本未来发展的一点贡献吧。”

Instead of charging for membership, TABLEALL only requires diners to pay a small booking fee per reservation. The platform currently offers the following features:
- User-friendly English platform
- Curated list of acclaimed Japan-based restaurants
- Quality photography and in-depth articles about each listed restaurant
- Insight into individual chefs and the stories behind their signature dishes
- Send private messages to the chef to share feedback and build rapport
- 用户友好的英文平台
- 一系列最负盛名的日本餐馆
- 以优质的摄影图片和深入的文章介绍每一间餐馆
- 关注每一位厨师以及他们的招牌菜背后的故事
- 可以发送私人讯息给厨师,分享反馈,建立联系

Some of the restaurants that are already available through TABLEALL include Michelin-starred establishments, such as Tempura Uchitsu, Ginza Sushi Kanesaka, Karyu, Higuchi, Sushi Arai and Tempura Motoyoshi. The platform is a true game changer for travellers, allowing the agenda to switch from “where can I get in?” to “where shall we choose today?”
目前,TABLEALL平台上的餐馆包括了一系列米其林星级餐馆,如 Tempura Uchitsu, Ginza Sushi Kanesaka, Karyu, Higuchi, Sushi Arai和Tempura Motoyoshi。对于前往日本的游客来说,这个平台可谓是一个重大的发明。现在他们不需要再问“我可以去哪家餐馆吃饭?”,而是问“我们今天要选哪家餐馆吃饭呢?”。

Website: tableall.com
Facebook: ~/tableall
Instagram: @tableall
Contributor: Whitney Ng
Video and Images Courtesy of TABLEALL