Released by Beijing-based underground label Do Hits, Black Dragon is the latest EP from Chinese producer Alex Wang . Merging sci-fi and glitch sound fragments with the structure of bass music, the EP is an exploration of the invasive nature of artificial intelligence in relation to humanity. The MV for the EP’s lead single “Thorn,” directed by visual artist Brandon Tay of Singapore’s audiovisual collective and record label Syndicate, takes viewers into a void of darkness through mutations of geometrical space.

According to Wang, “Black Dragon is a self-learning AI, which has gone out of the programmer’s control, so it starts surveilling every action of human beings. It keeps watch on you through your Samsung TV, locates you with CCTV everywhere in the street, spies on your social network, knows whether you like Coca-Cola better or Pepsi, your favorite color, and your bank balance.”
Alex 解释:“Black Dragon是一个可以自我学习的人工智能 ,在一次意外中脱离了程序员的控制后,它开始监控人们的所有行为。他通过三星电视监视你,通过路边的监控定位你的行踪,监控你的社交媒体,了解你喜欢喝可口可乐还是百事、偏好的颜色、你的存款数额、你的所有事情…… ”

Listen below for a few or our favorite tracks from Black Dragon. The full EP is available for streaming and purchase on Bandcamp.
我们从《Black Dragon》中精选了几首最喜欢的曲目。完整的EP可于Bandcamp上在线收听和购买。
Born in Northeast China and currently based in New York, Wang studied recording art at China’s Central Conservatory of Music, and went on to study computer music composition at the Peabody Institute in the United States. His interest in electronica, hip-hop, trap, and jazz, combined with his formal academic background, adds a strong experimental influence to his music. Wang will be performing in cities across China with Yllis, Meuko Meuko, and Jyun Jyun on the Do Hits Records Exodus Tour from August 25th to September 8th, 2017. See the flyer below for full details.
Alex Wang出生在中国东北黑龙江,现居纽约。在中央音乐学院学习录音后,他又前往美国皮博迪音乐学院攻读了计算机音乐的硕士学位。一直浸淫于Electronica、Hip Hop、Trap、Jazz等曲风,加上他的学术背景,使得他的音乐极具实验性风格。在2017年8月25日至9月8日期间,Alex 将加入Do Hits于的Exodus Tour巡演,携手Yllis、Meuko Meuko 和 Jyun Jyun 在中国多个城市表演。有关详细信息,请参阅下面的传单。

Bandcamp: ~/dohits
Soundcloud: ~/alexwangt
Contributor: George Zhi Zhao
Images and Video Courtesy of Do Hits Records