Living in such a fast-paced age, how many beautiful things do we overlook?
Peony Yip, a Hong Kong-based artist originally from Jamaica, is a close observer of beautiful things. She draws in a clean, graceful style, giving lush flowers, stems, and even fine strands of hair a deft realism.
“Nowadays, I feel as if beautiful things or beauty itself is judged by the amount of ‘likes’ it gets or how much the internet praises it. It is quite saddening,” she says. “I try to make works with subjects that are beautiful to me, and over the years, I’ve taken a deep liking to flowers. I really want to show nature in my pieces as much as I can.” With their meticulously traced lines, Yip’s drawings have a compact energy that leaves viewers marveling at the beauty of flowers bursting into full bloom.
生于牙买加的 Peony Yip,目前于香港定居。作为一个悉心的观察者,她的绘画风格细腻婉约,繁复的花瓣、枝桠,甚至是纤细的发丝,在她的笔触中显得异常真实灵动。
“如今,我觉得美丽的事物或美丽本身是由它获得的 ‘点赞数’ 来判断的。这让人觉得很惋惜。而我试着用那些对我来说美丽的题材来创作作品。比如多年来,我一直很喜欢花。我真的想尽我最大的努力在我的作品中实现自然。” Peony 不无惋惜地说道。画面中被细致描绘的经络,让它凝聚了充沛的能量,也让人沉迷在花开瞬间的美好绽放中,无法自拔。

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Contributor: Chen Yuan
Tumblr: thewhitedeer.tumblr.com
Behance: ~/thewhitedeer
Instagram: @the_white_deer
供稿人: Chen Yuan