Cinematic Tokyo is a series from Dutch photographer and cinematographer Stijn Hoekstra. After initially developing his photography style in his native home of Amsterdam, Hoekstra planned to bring his visual approach to photographing other cities. The Cinematic Tokyo series was made possible when Hoekstra was commissioned to shoot a documentary on a flower artist in Tokyo, giving him the opportunity to capture the streets during his free time. Hoekstra says, “Whenever I work in another country, I try to book some extra nights to do the thing I like most – photographing the city in my own way.”
《Cinematic Tokyo》(电影东京)是由荷兰摄影师和电影摄影指导Stijn Hoekstra创作的摄影作品系列。在家乡阿姆斯特丹期间,Hoekstra初步形成了自己的摄影风格,之后,他便计划利用自己的视觉创意在其它城市进行拍摄。《Cinematic Tokyo》系列是Hoekstra受委托前往东京为一名花艺师拍摄纪录片期间所创作的。一有空,他就会走上街道进行拍摄。Hoekstra说:“每次我去到另一个国家工作时,我都会多住几晚,去做自己想做的事情——用自己的方式拍摄这座城市。”

Hoekstra draws from his background as both a photographer and a cinematographer to bring his audience a unique perspective on visual storytelling. He says, “I always try to take a cinematic approach in my photography. Every picture is shot with a wide angle lens, and I’m always looking for different perspectives.” Through particular attention to subject, lighting, and composition, each of Hoekstra’s images manages to tell a story in a single frame.

Color grading plays a major role in Hoekstra’s creative process and is essential in bringing out the cinematic quality of his images. According to him, “Color gives the photo the mood it deserves. It took a lot of time to develop this particular style, and it’s still developing.” Hoekstra continues his Cinematic city series in New York and Cuba.
调色(Color grading)是Hoekstra的创作过程中的重要部分,对于提升其照片的影像品质十分关键。他解释道:“色彩赋予照片相应的情绪。我花了很多时间来掌握这种特殊的风格,并且还在不断地学习。“接下来,Hoekstra将继续在纽约和古巴创作自己的《Cinematic》电影城市摄影系列。