Since arriving in Tokyo, Duncan Shotton has set about bestowing happiness around the world, one little hand-painted push pin at a time. Five years ago, in 2012, Shotton set up his own design studio in Japan. Since then, many aspects of his adoptive home have served as inspiration. From holding his first pop-up shop in a tree within Tokyo’s Harajuku district to rethinking the humble soy sauce dish, Shotton has the ability to turn the everyday into the extraordinary.
2012年来到东京之后,英国设计师Duncan Shotton一直通过自己对平常生活的小用品的创意设计(譬如手绘小图钉),在世界各地传播快乐的精神。五年前,Shotton在日本成立设计工作室,日本的许多方面启发了他的创意灵感。不论是他在东京原宿区一棵树上开设的第一家概念性快闪店(pop-up shop),或是他对酱油碟的重新演绎,Shotton一直着眼于将平凡的小用品变得不平凡。
In Japan, it’s considered rude to wear shoes indoors. This custom is so deeply embedded into Japanese culture that many apartments come with a built-in sunken porch at the entrance. Shotton was inspired by stepping stones that he saw in Kyoto and designed Tobiishi as a clean space that serves as a stable treading spot for people greeting guests or accepting deliveries.
在日本,在室内穿鞋都是不礼貌的。这种习俗在日本文化中影响很深,以至于许多公寓在入口处都会设有一个“ 凹陷式门廊”。Shotton以自己在京都看到的垫脚石 为灵感,设计出Tobiishi,为人们在门口迎接客人或签收包裹时提供一个干净、稳固的踩点。

Soy Shape
Noticing that the natural color of soy sauce takes on a gradient form when poured into a shallow dish, Shotton designed these delightful dipping sauce dishes to give off the illusion of 3D shapes, giving an extra “dimension” to every sushi eating experience.
Soy Shape

Sticky Page Markers
This stationary series allows every bibliophile to build adorable landscapes from their favorite pages. From the iconic junk boats of Hong Kong sailing around the harbor to the infamous Godzilla monster terrorizing downtown, these page markers are sure to be a favorite amongst bookworms.
Sticky Page Markers

Shotton continues to work from Tokyo, collaborating with Japanese companies and sticking to a small production scale to maintain a high level of quality. His latest project, Planet Pins and the Moon – which is comprised of a hand-painted solar system and complete with a hand-casted concrete moon push pin – is now available for pre-order.
Shotton目前仍在东京生活,他与日本企业合作,坚持小规模的产量,以保证最佳质量。他最新的作品Planet Pins and the Moon是一组太阳系行星主题的手绘图钉,以及一颗用纯手作的混凝土月球图钉,现在已经开放预订。
Website: dshott.co.uk
Facebook: ~/DuncanShottonDesignStudio
Instagram: @_dshott
Contributor: Whitney Ng