aaajiao is a Shanghai-based new media artist known for his avant-garde mixture of computer science and art. His multidisciplinary approach uses data, algorithms, vectors, and coding to visualize and produce tangible objects out of highly abstract relationships.
Born in 1984 in Xi’an, China, aaajiao’s trajectory from computer scientist to new media artist sees him constantly pushing into previously unexplored territories. From founding China’s very first co-working space Xindanwei to also starting the comprehensive Chinese new media blog we-need-money-not-art.com in 2006, aaajiao’s involvement in digital arts and culture in China has been very prolific.
1984年出生于中国西安的aaajiao,其从计算机科学家转变为新媒体艺术家的人生轨迹,见证了他对未探索领域不间断的挺进。 从创建中国首个联合办公空间——“新单位”,到2006年开办综合性的中国新媒体博客we-need-money-not-art.com,他在中国数码艺术和文化领域一直非常多产。
This year, aaajiao has moved to a new studio on the outskirts of Shanghai in an old abandoned woodworking factory. Taking over an entire floor which overlooks the Huangpu River, aaajiao and his collaborators now have their own dedicated space to experiment, create, and put the finishing touches on artwork.

Coming from a production process that relied solely on a factory’s manufacturing time, aaajiao says, “My work process is different from other artists because they tend to wait for the factories to make their ideas actualize in the very final step. I use the factory as a tool, and control the process every step of the way.”
从生产过程完全依靠于工厂加工的时代过来,aaajiao说: “我的工作过程不同于其他的艺术家。他们倾向于,在最后一步等待工厂来将他们的创意实现。我则当工厂是工具,我会控制生产过程的每一个步骤。”
Working with jewellery designer Shen Lei and longtime collaborator Xu Cong, aaajiao created a series of wearable interactive art pieces, called Ornaments. Edible, magnetic, transformative, and also functional, this work raises questions about how technology can integrate with everyday objects.

Although his work starts on the computer using programming languages such as Processing, in his new studio it is translated into the physical realm using cotton, copper, LED displays, 3D printing, concrete, and even sugar.
Currently, aaajiao is working on a clothing series with a fashion designer which will also merge workwear uniforms with uniquely generated pattern designs. He says, “Working with different mediums and production methods is an amazing way to learn new things.”
最近,aaajiao正和一个时装设计师,在做一个在工作制服中融入特殊生成图纹的服装系列。他说: “用不同的媒介和生产方式工作是一个学习的绝佳方式。”

“A lot of people are now also doing new media, but what’s really important is how you use your medium and process to solve interesting problems.” In addition to fashion, aaajiao also plans to experiment with furniture design in the future.
“很多人在做新媒体,但是现在真正重要的是,如何使用你的媒介和工序去解决有意思的问题。” 除了时装方面,aaajiao也打算在未来体验一下家具设计。