Hai Thanh is a photographer based in Hanoi, Vietnam. His photography is a visual diary of his daily life, showing the people he comes across and the environments they live in. A graduate of the graphic design department at the University of Industrial Fine Arts in Hanoi, Thanh went on to pursue his passion for photography full-time, working as a photojournalist for both domestic and online news outlets.
Hai Thanh是来自越南河内的一名摄影师。他用摄影来记录自己的日常生活,展现他所遇到的人和他们生活的环境。从河内工业美术大学平面设计系毕业后,他选择了自己热爱的摄影事业,成为了一名全职摄影师,为越南国内媒体及在线新闻媒体工作。

Thanh’s personal philosophy is that photography is an art form that goes beyond any categorizations of genre. He says, “I consider myself as a photographer, not a street photographer, documentary photographer, or photojournalist. These are just names. Sometimes I use photography a method of self-expression, and other times I try to tell stories about the people I care about.”
他的个人哲学是,摄影是一种个人的艺术形式,超越任何形式的分类。他说: “我觉得自己就是一名摄影师,不是街头摄影师,也不是纪录片摄影师或是摄影记者。这些都只是头衔。有时,我用摄影来表达自己,有时,我用摄影来给我关心的人讲故事。”

As street photography becomes more popular in Vietnam, Thanh strives to maintain an honest approach to his work on the street and his relationship to his subjects. He says, “When I’m doing street photography, I don’t try to find dramatic situations, and I’m not a big fan of ‘decisive moments.’ I take photos as naturally and simply as I can. I love photographing the emotional connection between people… I don’t think much about whether or not I can get ‘good pictures.’ I care about the connection between myself and the people I photograph. The process of photography is not only about taking pictures but also about talking and understanding.”
随着街头摄影在越南越来越流行,Thanh 在街头拍摄时也会努力保持贴近现实,在与摄影对象的关系中保持真诚的态度。他说:“当我在进行街头摄影时,我不会试图去寻找戏剧性的场面,也不会特别热衷于‘决定性时刻’这类风格的摄影。我按照尽可能自然和简单的方式来拍摄。我喜欢记录人们之间的情感联系……我不会考虑太多能不能拍到‘好照片’的问题。我关心的是我和拍摄对象之间的联系。摄影的过程不仅是拍照,更是沟通和理解。”

Thanh is currently working as a freelance editorial and documentary photographer focused mostly on social issues. In addition, he is also working on a personal project on autistic children in Vietnam. He shares his knowledge with other photographers by hosting workshops on street photography and visual storytelling across the country. As he deals with the responsibilities of raising a family, he continues his dedication to photography and offers us his thoughts on his changing relationship with the artform. “I heard this said before by another photographer – ‘photography is more and more about being on your own as you get older.’ Your pictures are talking about yourself. Photography means a lot to me – it’s my way of thinking, speaking, and listening.”