Shenzhen-based brand ROARINGWILD understands what makes a piece of clothing “streetwear” is more than its aesthetics alone – it’s the attitude and spirit behind the garment that truly makes it streetwear. And for the last seven years, ROARINGWILD has worked tirelessly to advance their vision of creating a streetwear brand that not only represents their ideals but can also inspire an attitude shift in the Chinese youth. The ROARINGWILD name itself is a message, telling the youth to no longer stay complacent; it’s a rallying call, emboldening people to live loudly and chase after their dreams fearlessly. The concept of streetwear as a lifestyle is embedded in ROARINGWILD’s very DNA, and the latest manifestation of the brand’s vision comes in the form of ROARINGWILD’s first brick-and-mortar store in Shenzhen, recently unveiled on October 28th. For the six co-founders behind ROARINGWILD, this physical location is meant to be more than simply a clothing store – it’s the physical embodiment of a yearning to introduce a lifestyle that they know and love to more young people in Shenzhen.

The recent opening event was an experience quite unlike other conventional store launches. While products from their latest collection were on display and available for purchase, they were never the focal point of the event. The opening felt more like ROARINGWILD’s way of paying respects to the long-standing intersect between art, design, music, and streetwear. Photographers, graffiti artists, musicians, fashion designers, and more were all brought together to celebrate not only a milestone for the brand but to celebrate Chinese streetwear culture as a whole. Flaunting the cyberpunk-inspired techwear jackets and traditional Chinese tunics of ROARINGWILD’s latest collection, attendees put on a master class in Chinese street style and showcased how the Shenzhen-born brand fits alongside pieces from international streetwear powerhouses such as CAVEMPT, C2H4, and Gosha Rubchinskiy.
而这次的门店开幕活动也与其它开幕式截然不同。虽然门店内也在展示和出售品牌的最新系列产品,但这一点并不是这次开幕活动的焦点所在。整场开幕式感觉更像是ROARINGWILD在以自己的方式致敬艺术与设计、音乐、街头时尚之间的融合。摄影师、涂鸦艺术家、音乐家、时装设计师汇聚在一起,一起来庆祝这一代表品牌全新里程碑的活动,同时也在庆祝中国的街头文化。身穿ROARINGWILD最新系列中的机能(Techwear)美学夹克和中式长袍嘉宾们云集荟萃,上演了一场令人瞩目的中国街头时尚秀,展示出这个来自深圳的本土品牌与CAVEMPT、C2H4、Gosha Rubchinskiy等国际街头时尚品牌竞相媲美的实力。
At the event, Shenzhen’s streetwear community demonstrated a sense of inclusiveness and welcoming spirit that was a refreshing departure from the better-than-thou attitude adopted by similar scenes in other cities. People of different backgrounds, different ages, and different professions all mingled together, united by a shared passion for streetwear. “Shenzhen is definitely a very inclusive city,” says BG, the creative director and head designer of ROARINGWILD. “It’s because the city is younger and the youth here are open to new things. Even when people are doing different things from one another, they’re all interested in what their peers are up to. That’s probably what has forged this sense of community. It feels like something that’s exclusive to this city.”

While the new store marks a brand new chapter for ROARINGWILD, BG is well aware that there will be more challenges on the road ahead. However, having started the brand from scratch back in 2010, overcoming unforeseen obstacles is nothing new. Sharing parallels with the DIY ethics and figure-it-out-as-you-go style of many of today’s most successful streetwear brands, ROARINGWILD has gotten to where it is today by swimming against the current, learning from its mistakes, and proving all the naysayers wrong “In life, people might tell you that you can’t do things this way or that way, but you’ll often end up doing it anyway,” says BG, shrugging. “A lot of what we’ve done up to this point defies the traditional methods or ways of thinking. We want to pass this attitude on to today’s young people. It’s not just about selling products – it’s about expressing ourselves.”
虽然新门店的开幕对 ROARINGWILD 来说又是一个新篇章,但六位共同创始人都知道,未来的道路上会有更多的挑战。不过,自从他们在2010年开始一手创立品牌,克服困难障碍对他们来说已经是家常便饭。和如今许多成功的街头品牌那种DIY和“兵来将挡,水来土掩”的精神一样,ROARINGWILD逆流而行,从错误中不断学习,证明给所有曾经不看好他们的人看。饼干说:“在生活中,可能有很多人会跟你说这样做这件事情不行,但你最终还是会千方百计把它给做了。我们就做过很多打破传统、跳出思维方式的事情,所以也想把这样的态度传达给现在的年轻人。这不仅仅只是卖产品,更重要的是通过产品去传输一种表达自我的理念。”

L1-069, 1F
No. 99 Xinhu Road
Bao’an District, Shenzhen
People’s Republic of China
10:00 ~ 22:00
Website: roaringwild.net
Contributor & Photographer: David Yen
Videographer: Damien Louise
Additional Images & Footage Courtesy of ROARINGWILD
新湖路 99号
1楼 L1-069
网站: roaringwild.net
供稿人与图片摄影师: David Yen
视频摄影师: Damien Louise