For this year’s iteration of the Sony World Photography Awards, Chinese photographers dominated across multiple Professional categories of the competition. More Chinese photographers were represented on the list of finalists and grand prize winners than any other countries in the world. In the Professional Architecture category, Dongni, a creative director from the city of Shenyang, took the grand prize with Space & City, a striking photo series that deconstructs and reconstructs the urban landscape to form her vision of modern cities, all presented from a birds-eye vantage.
今年的索尼世界摄影大赛(Sony World Photography Awards)上,中国摄影师在多个分组中都表现出色。在这项全球顶级摄影大赛中,中国成为了大奖得主名单上人数最多的国家。在“专业组建筑类”中,沈阳市的创意总监冬尼凭借作品《空间城市》获得冠军。这组航拍作品通过解构和重建城市景观,呈现出她眼中引人入胜的现代城市理念。

In the Professional Sport category, Yuan Peng, a member of the China Photographers Association, took the grand prize with his documentary photo series The Twins’ Gymnastics Dream, which offers an intimate look at the hopes and struggles of Liu Bingqing and Liu Yujie, two young twin sisters in the Shandong province who have grown up and trained together in a Chinese sports school since the age of five.

Meanwhile, the Sony World Photography National Awards segment of the competition is now in its fourth year. This program, which aims to discover the best photographs taken by local photographers across the world, has expanded its scope this year to include the countries of Cambodia, Nepal, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, and the United Arab Emirates for the first time, allowing even more talented photographers to showcase unique perspectives of their respective regions. Scroll down and check out some more of our favorite shots from around Asia from this year’s competition.