FLASKGroup and GREEN & SAFE have joined forces and unveiled a new food and beverage project in Shanghai’s Xintiandi. The concept for this collaboration came about when GREEN & SAFE took notice of FLASKGroup’s previous cocktail project, Botanist, which introduced the idea of “farm-to-bar” to Shanghai, a twist on the “farm-to-table” concept that GREEN & SAFE is rather well-known for. The new space that houses both brands is split into two distinctively different areas. The first area is The Barn, which is operated by GREEN & SAFE and offers a rich selection of delicious organic food. Hidden within The Barn is The Bunker, a military-themed speakeasy bar operated by FLASKGroup.
FLASKGroup和GREEN & SAFE携手打造了全新餐饮概念店,于上海新天地正式亮相。FLASKGroup旗下的鸡尾酒酒吧Botanist,是在上海首次将“农场到酒吧”的创意店,一向秉持“从农场到餐桌”发展理念的GREEN & SAFE留意到这个项目,双方一拍即合,决定携手合作。两品牌联手的新店,在空间上一分为二:The Barn和隐藏于其间的The Bunker,前者由GREEN & SAFE经营,提供琳琅满目的有机美食,后者由FLASKGroup管理,是以战时防空洞穴为灵感而设计的地下酒吧。
The Barn and The Bunker dramatically contrasts each other in terms of aesthetics and ambience. The Barn is a large open space, warm and inviting, illuminated with a combination of natural light and amber artificial lighting. The Bunker, on the other hand, has a darker feel and can only be reached through a hidden entrance from the dining area. Like many bars, The Bunker opts for dimly lit, atmospheric lighting. Many tools and items (like ammunition crates) are used to decorate the space, which adds to the feeling of being in an actual bunker. Paying homage to FLASK, their first speakeasy bar, this new space uses infusion bottles and actual flasks as part of the decor.
The Barn和The Bunker在美学设计和氛围打造上形成鲜明对比。The Barn空间开阔,自然光和琥珀色灯光融合为一种温暖色调,非常吸引人。The Bunker就完全走另一个路线,其入口隐秘于就餐区某处。这里一如多数酒吧,灯光昏暗,气氛暧昧。其内部诸多装饰的工具和摆件,如弹药箱等,都让酒吧里的人仿若置身于真实碉堡内。为了致敬他们旗下的第一家地下酒吧FLASK,他们还使用了输液瓶和真正的酒壶作为装饰品。

The Barn is a gigantic industrial-style space with an open kitchen and a second floor. Much like the other GREEN & SAFE locations, there’s a marketplace offering fresh organic produce and a deli counter. Directly above the dining area, large cuts of aged Iberico ham dangle overhead from the raised ceiling. These hams would almost appear to act as part of the decor, but they’re actually available to order from the menu. One of the new and most interesting offerings of this new space are their cones, which comes in four different flavors. One of the cones is made with wild mushrooms, truffles, and cheese; another uses caviar, smoked salmon, and onions; the third variety uses the aforementioned Iberico ham, which is paired up with quail egg and chili; and lastly, there’s a cone made with wild prawn, egg salad, and seaweed. More filling and heartier dishes like grilled Boston lobster and different cuts of M6 Wagyu beef can also be found on the menu. And of course, many classic dishes from the other GREEN & SAFE locations are also available here.
The Barn有着一个开放式厨房和现代化的loft隔层,是极具工业风的巨大空间。与GREEN & SAFE旗下众多店面相似,这里也有提供新鲜有机食材与熟食的市集。就餐区正上方的天花板上,悬挂着一条条伊比利亚火腿,它们不仅是装饰,也可随时作为食材端上餐桌。这里最有意思的产品当属他们最新推出的四味甜筒,分别用不同食材制作:一个由野生蘑菇、松露和奶酪而做;另一个用鱼子酱、烟熏三文鱼、洋葱做料;第三个则是伊比利亚火腿再配上鹌鹑蛋和辣椒;最后一个甜筒混合了野生虾、鸡蛋色拉和海藻;每一支的味道都让人称绝。菜单上还有波士顿烤龙虾、M6神户牛肉等丰盛的大餐。当然,GREEN & SAFE其他店的经典菜肴也能够在这里找到。

Combining the seasonal cocktails found at Botanist, along with the prohibition style drinks and classic cocktails from FLASK, and a selection of all new drinks inspired by GREEN & SAFE, The Bunker is described by FLASKGroup as an amalgamation of their best drinks from the last few years. In the “Seasonal” section, the cocktails were made by using the all-organic fruits from GREEN & SAFE’s own farm. The cocktails in this section tastes lighter and feels more refreshing, a flavor profile that perfectly complements many of GREEN & SAFE’s salads and finger foods. With their “FLASK signatures”, a selection of prohibition-style cocktails made with a local twist like the Far East Manhattan made with homemade longan jujube juice, their aim is to transport patrons back into the original FLASK off of Shanxi South Road from the initial sip. The “G&S Inspired” section is completely dedicated to this collaboration with GREEN & SAFE, with cocktails designed around some of GREEN & SAFE’s top-selling dishes. A few of the most noteworthy drinks from this section are: Carrot Cake Conquest, a drink that was created with GREEN & SAFE’s carrot cake in mind; Sourforce, a mouth-puckering drink that uses White Wine Balsama vinegar and Casanova Balsamico vinegar; and Licorice Tea Break, a cocktail made with Egyptian licorice tea syrup, plums, and pear juice. Of course, there are also mocktails made with the same fresh ingredients.
FLASKGroup表示The Bunker所提供的鸡尾酒是他们到目前为止的集大成之作。在The Bunker你能找到这个品牌所能提供最好最全的饮品单:Botanist酒吧的招牌“Seasonal”鸡尾酒,FLASK的经典鸡尾酒和带着禁酒时代特色的饮品,当然也有受到GREEN & SAFE启发而推出的一系列新款饮料。在“Seasonal”鸡尾酒制作上,所需原料均来自GREEN & SAFE农庄里的有机水果。这个系列的鸡尾酒口味清爽,让人感觉十分清新,搭配GREEN & SAFE餐厅里的沙拉和精致点心,可谓相得益彰。带着禁酒时代特色的鸡尾酒“FLASK signatures”如远东曼哈顿使用自制龙眼枣汁一样,也带着当地特色原料加入酒中,希望从品酒的第一口就能让人回到FLASKGroup在陕西南路的第一家酒吧的感觉。“G&S Inspired”则是为了献给合作搭档GREEN & SAFE而推出的鸡尾酒系列,特意围绕GREEN & SAFE菜单上最受欢迎的菜肴进行调制,特别值得推荐的几款有:以GREEN & SAFE的胡萝卜蛋糕为创意源泉的胡萝卜蛋糕的征服;加入Balsamico有机红酒醋和白葡萄醋调制而成,带着酸甜口感的爱吃醋特勤;还有用埃及甘草糖浆、李子以及梨汁混合调制的甘草茶休息特区。当然,还有不少完全采用新鲜蔬果而调制的无酒精鸡尾酒。
When creatives come together and collaborate, the result is often unexpected and impressive. This is no exception when it comes to the food and beverage industry. Kevin Yu, one of the founders of FLASKGroup, says, “FLASKGroup is experienced when it comes to beverages, and GREEN & SAFE is experienced when it comes to food. We definitely felt like this project was going to be a strong collaboration.” By playing off one another other’s strengths, this new collaboration is undoubtedly on the fast-track to becoming a force to be reckoned with in Shanghai’s food and beverage scene.
当不同的创意碰撞并融合,往往产生让人意想不到的惊喜。美食与饮品的相遇当然也不例外。FLASKGroup创始人之一Kevin Yu表示,“FLASKGroup拥有丰富经营酒吧经验,GREEN & SAFE在美食界纵横多年,我们绝对相信此番合作定能成功。”两大品牌联手,各自发挥行业优势,无疑将加速全新的概念店进入正常的发展轨道,成为上海餐饮业界引人注目的新兴品牌。

22 Taicang Road, 181 Alley
Huangpu District, Shanghai
People’s Republic of China
+86 021-63860140
11am ~ 2am
Contributor: David Yen
Images Courtesy of The Barn & The Bunker
上海市 黄埔区
+86 021-63860140
11am ~ 2am
供稿人: David Yen
图片由The Barn与The Bunker提供