Tianjin Binhai Library is a futuristic space that was recently unveiled in October of 2017. Designed by Dutch architects MVRDV in collaboration with the Tianjin Urban Planning and Design Institute, the library is part of a greater plan to launch a cultural district in Tianjin.
2017 年 10 月,天津滨海图书馆正式开幕。该图书馆由荷兰 MVRDV 建筑设计事务所与天津市城市规划设计研究院合作设计,并作为天津滨海建成文化中心的一部分。

The highlight of the library is the auditorium. Boasting a spherical centerpiece that looks like an iris within the oval-shaped opening, the atrium has been nicknamed “The Eye.” Inside the atrium, terraced bookshelves run from floor to ceiling, rippling across the ceiling as if following the contour of the luminous orb.
整个图书馆的最精彩的部分是中庭的发光球形报告厅。这中庭有一个球形的中心,看起来像一个椭圆形的虹膜,因此又被命名为“眼睛(The Eye)”。再往里走,成排的书架从地板开始堆叠,既作为阶梯、座椅,且一直延伸到天花板,仿佛描绘出了中间发光球的轮廓。

The actual library is impressive in its own way. While less visually striking than the atrium, the building contains five levels and an area of 33,700 square meters with enough space to house a collection of 1.2 million books. The first and second floors contain reading rooms, books, and lounge areas, while the upper levels contain meeting rooms, offices, computer and audio rooms, as well as two rooftop patios.
而整座图书馆也独具自己的特色。虽不及中庭发光球的视觉震撼,但图书馆总面积达 33,700 平方米,足足有 5 层,设计藏书总量达 120 万册。一楼和二楼设有阅览室、藏书区和休息区,上层则设有会议室、办公室、电脑和音响室以及两个屋顶露台。

From initial design to opening, the library took only three years to complete, making it MVRDV’s fastest completed project to date. It’s a breathtaking achievement of design that’s quickly establishing a reputation as a must-see landmark for those visiting Tianjin.
由于施工周期比较紧张,图书馆从最初的设计到最终落成只花了三年的时间,成为 MVRDV 迄今为止进度最快的项目。这可谓是一个惊人的设计成就,并已成为天津必去的标志性地标。
347 Xu Sheng Road
Binhai New District, Tianjin
People’s Republic of China
Tuesday ~ Sunday 10:00 ~ 18:00
Monday 14:00 ~ 18:00
Website: mvrdv.nl
Facebook: ~/MVRDVRotterdam
Weibo: ~/mvrdv
Contributor & Videographer: George Zhi Zhao
Images Courtesy of MVRDV
周二至周日 10:00 ~ 21:00
周一 14:00 22:00
网站: mvrdv.nl
脸书: ~/MVRDVRotterdam
微博: ~/mvrdv
供稿人与视频摄影师: George Zhi Zhao
图片由 MVRDV 提供