In hidden corners of our world, there exists a group of mysterious but adorable lifeforms. They may appear as a cluster of fallen petals, as a mushroom growing from a rotting log, or as a plump, prickly cactus. These seemingly random florae and fungi all come to life in the illustrations of Hong Kong-based artist Ceci Lam.
Having been a plant lover since childhood—an appreciation inherited from her father—Lam one day noticed a tiny mushroom sprouting on the side of the road. The next day, expecting to see it again, she was surprised when it was nowhere to be found. “At that moment, it felt like the mushroom was just a passerby, and we ran into each other by chance but it’s gone back to its world,” she recounts. “That’s when I believed plants had a life of their own, and that, just out of sight, they had busy lives of their own. I wanted to draw the world they live in.”
在一些我们不知道的角落,其实住着一群很神秘又可爱的生物:随意跌落到地上的花瓣、雨后在腐木上生长的蘑菇,以及圆滚滚胖乎乎的仙人掌,这看似随意却又相互关联的自然万物,组成了香港艺术家 Ceci Lam 的画。
受爸爸影响,从小就很喜欢植物的 Ceci,无意间发现大马路边有一株小蘑菇,隔天再去找,却怎么都找不到了。 Ceci 说:“有一下就觉得,她(蘑菇)昨天只是经过,刚好相遇,今天已经回去自己的世界了!那时候就觉得她们真是存在的,在我看不见的地方,用自己的生活方式努力生活着,只是在很隐密的角落,所以就想把她们的世界都画出来。”