Based in Tokyo, Tiffany Godoy is a seasoned fashion editor and host of SSENSE’s “vlogumentary” series Tiffany’s Tokyo TV. The series explores Tokyo’s fashion scene, interviewing different fashion icons in the city. In one of our favorite episode, released earlier this year, Godoy chats with Yoshi, a 14-year-old fashion figure who attends various fashion events, posts selfies on Instagram with his mom’s phone, and aspires to start his own clothing brand. In the video, Godoy joins Yoshi for a fun day of eating hamburgers, dancing, and visiting his favorite boutique shops in Harajuku.
作为一个资深时装编辑的Tiffany Godoy以东京为背景与SSENSE制作了一档属于自己的真人节目《Tiffany’s Tokyo TV》,旨在深度挖掘这个城市里的时尚ICON们的故事。在这期节目里,Godoy采访了14岁的Yoshi,Yoshi在穿着上非常有自己独到的见解,他以他的方式参加各种时尚活动,用妈妈的手机上Instagram,并且梦想着成立一个自己的品牌。Yoshi跟Godoy一起吃汉堡、跳舞、带领她去他最爱的两个原宿时装店并且分享了自己的一些超龄计划。