Victo Isn’t a Boy’s Name or a Typo

March 28, 2017 2017年3月28日

Growing up in Hong Kong as an only child, Victo Ngai spent much of her childhood drawing and creating imaginative stories from her artworks while her parents were away working long hours. Upon graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design, Ngai blossomed into a decorated illustrator, creating her visual stories on a much larger scale through her characteristically fluid and surreal drawing style. In 2014, Ngai was listed by Forbes in the 30 under 30 of the Art & Style category for her impressive illustrations. Her thought-provoking works are often featured in the likes of The New Yorker and The New York Times where she brings some of the world’s most pressing stories to life. Most recently, she collaborated with Apple to produce a Chinese New Year billboard in celebration of the Year of the Rooster, which was unveiled at the Apple Store on Canton Road in Hong Kong. “I like things that are not very realistic. That is the charm of illustration – it completely allows you to create your own magical world.”

来自香港的倪传婧(Victo Ngai )是家里的独生女。因为父母经常外出工作只留她在家,倪的童年大多数时间在一个人奇思妙想和画画中度过。从罗德岛设计学院毕业后, 倪传婧成为一名插画家,以流畅的线条和超现实主义的绘画风格,描绘出她脑中构想的故事。 2014 年,她凭借出色的插画作品,入选福布斯艺术与风格类“30 Under 30:Art & Style”榜单 (30位最具潜力的30岁以下的杰出新秀)。 她根据世界上发生的重大新闻事件,创作出发人深省的插画作品,并常常被发表于《纽约客》(New Yorker) 和《纽约时报》(The New York Times)等报刊杂志。最近,她与 Apple 公司合作,创作一个庆祝中国鸡年春节的广告牌,于香港广东道的Apple零售店展出。”我喜欢超现实风格的东西。这也是插图的魅力所在。它让你可以构建一个属于你自己的神奇世界。“

Facebook: ~/victo-ngai-倪傳婧
Instagram: @victongai
Behance: ~/victo


Contributor: Whitney Ng

脸书: ~/victo-ngai-倪傳婧
Instagram: @victongai
Behance: ~/victo


供稿人: Whitney Ng