For the recently debuted music video of Wild Beasts’ latest single “Alpha Female,” taken from the UK band’s Boy King album, director Sasha Rainbow traveled to Bangalore, India to capture the city’s emerging female skateboardinging scene. “In places like Afghanistan, Cambodia, and India, skating has not been solidified as a male sport and therefore has had a massive cultural impact, teaching values about self-empowerment through skateboarding,” Rainbow described in a statement about the video. “Because of the current political climate in the West and attitudes of intolerance, and sexism across the world, I wanted to create a video that celebrates everyone who takes the risk to be themselves.”
英国乐队Wild Beasts最近推出了最新单曲《Alpha Female》的MV,这首单曲来自乐队专辑《Boy King》。MV导演Sasha Rainbow前往印度班加罗尔,拍摄下当地越来越盛行的女性滑板现象。 Rainbow 介绍这个影片时说道:“在阿富汗、柬埔寨和印度这些国家,滑板并没有被定义成一种男性运动,那这对社会文化的影响就更广泛了,通过滑板可以宣传自我赋权的价值。由于当前西方国家的政治气候,不宽容的态度以及世界各地的性别歧视,我希望能创作出一个视频影片,展现所有勇敢做自己的人。”

Challenging the male chauvinism that has long plagued India, the music video follows girls from Holystoked, a well-known Indian skateboarding collective; members of Girl Skate India, a platform that aims to cultivate more local skaters of both genders; and Atita Verghese, India’s first-ever professional female skater as they shred through city traffic and the backstreets of Bangalore. Check out the video above.
这个MV大胆视频挑战印度社会长期的男性沙文主义问题。视频中,镜头跟随着来自Holystoked(印度知名的滑板组织)的女孩,来自Girl Skate India (一家旨在培养更多本地男女滑板玩家的平台)中的成员,以及印度首个专业女子滑板运动员Atita Verghese,拍摄他们踩着滑板穿过城市和班加罗尔的小巷的身影。点开上方视频阅看。

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