Masayoshi Matsumoto’s Inflatable Art

August 4, 2017 2017年8月4日

Masayoshi Matsumoto is a 27-year-old artist who makes works of art out of a rather unexpected material. From hornets and caterpillars to walruses and buffalos, the Japanese artist uses multicolored balloons and his own two hands to create a variety of detailed insect and animal life that are as playful as they are inventive. By taking something that children love and applying his creative touch, he gives life to rubber masterpieces that adults can easily appreciate. His work shows that balloon twisting isn’t just merely a cheap party trick, proving that creative expression can—quite literally in Matsumoto’s case—come in any shape or form. See more of his work below.

27 岁的日本艺术家Masayoshi Matsumoto 用非传统的材料,创作出人意料的艺术作品。他只用了彩色气球和自己的双手,就塑造出栩栩如生的昆虫和动物“气球雕塑”,如黄蜂、蝴蝶幼虫,海象和水牛等。他发挥自己的创意和想像,将儿童最爱的气球运变成精致复杂的作品, 即使是成年观众也能欣赏得来。他的作品表明,扭气球不只是一种普通的把戏,创意的表达可以是多种形式的,正如他的作品那样,呈现也丰富的形态。下面一起来欣赏他的更多作品吧。

Twitter: ~/isopresso


Contributor: David Yen

Instagram: @isopresso_balloon
Twitter: ~/isopresso


供稿人: David Yen

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