VSCO — Kodak Ultra Color 100 Kodak Ultra Color 100 胶卷模拟

March 20, 2019 2019年3月20日

This story is part of a content partnership and media exchange between Neocha and VSCO. Their membership program, VSCO X, is designed to help you reach your creative potential. Take the next step in your creative journey by starting your free 7-day VSCO X trial today and gain access to the complete VSCO preset library, the newest editing tools, and inspiring educational content.

With its striking hues and complementing of skin tones, Kodak Ultra Color 100 – KU1 offers vibrant color that doesn’t appear unnatural. Kodak Ultra Color casts a soft pink glow but with subtle contrast, making it great for natural light. Try toning down the highlights for added balance. See some examples of the preset in action below.

本篇文章来自新茶媒体合作伙伴 VSCO 的内容交换。VSCO X 是一个专门帮助摄影爱好者发挥创造潜力的会员项目。现在就开启你的 7 天免费 VSCO X 试用创意之旅,即可获得的 130+ 预设滤镜,以及新的编辑工具、视频编辑和教程内容。

由于其鲜明的色调和为肤色设置的补色,Kodak Ultra Color 100–KU1 提供了充满活力的颜色,但并不会显得不自然。Kodak Ultra Color 有柔和的粉色光晕并产生微妙的光线对比,使它就像自然光一样。尝试降低亮点,以增加白平衡。往下滑动,查看更多使用滤镜后的相片效果。

Before / 修图前
After / 修图后