Dani Bautista is a Filipino videographer and photographer who is now based in Hong Kong. Originally a skateboarder, the sport has hugely influenced his creative pursuits. Offering insight into Hong Kong’s energetic skate scene and some of his travels, his work is an exciting portrayal of youth spent in Asia.
來自菲律賓現居於香港的視頻與圖片攝影師Dani Bautista曾是一位滑手,在他之後的創作中也深受其運動經歷的影響。無論是香港充滿活力的滑板場地還是在他旅行中所見所聞,Dani Bautista總能以獨特的視角進行觀察,在其作品中生動刻畫出亞洲青年文化。
His love for skateboarding and photography are inextricably linked; he first picked up a camera because he didn’t know anyone who photographed skateboarding in Hong Kong, and decided he’d be the guy to try. This inevitably filtered into other aspects of his life, and soon after he found himself taking photos and videos of everything that caught his eye.
He reflects, “When you start out in skateboarding, one of the first things you learn is how to fall. Every time you try something new, you expect to keep falling until you work through your mistakes and land the trick. I try to apply that mentality in whatever I do.” This explains his progressive success behind the lens. “But that’s not all skateboarding has given me,” he says, “The culture, the people, the music – every aspect of it has affected my filmmaking and photography.”
For Dani, the most important factor in photography is focus: on the subject, the mood, and the story he is trying to tell. He also believes his surroundings have a huge impact on his photography, and so usually uses Micro Four Third cameras because they are the easiest to travel with. He tries to break out of his comfort zone whenever possible, seeking adventure in pursuit of interesting images.

“India is definitely one of my favorite places to shoot,” Dani says, “It’s the most photogenic place I’ve been to. It’s so full of activity and color.” This is beautifully recorded in his Indian photo series, a vibrant selection of colorful compositions. He plans to go back one day, and hopefully to stay a little longer and take more pictures. But for now, he is working on starting his own production company, looking forward to travelling more, learning and doing bigger projects.

Website: danibautista.com
Facebook: ~/dcatbautista
Instagram: @dcatbautista
Tumblr: danibautista.tumblr.com
Contributor: Ruby Weatherall
網站: danibautista.com
臉書: ~/dcatbautista
Instagram: @dcatbautista
Tumblr: danibautista.tumblr.com
供稿人: Ruby Weatherall