“To see a World in a Grain of Sand / and a Heaven in a Wild Flower”: the plant art of Raku Inoue calls to mind William Blake’s “Auguries of Innocence,” finding countless worlds in each meticulously arranged insect.
Born in Japan and based in Canada, Raku Inoue, one of the founders of Reikan Apparel, is a multimedia artist who uses materials scavenged from the great outdoors to create elaborate works of art. He collects flowers, twigs, and leaves—which are then trimmed and layered—to arrange colorful 3-D sculptures of familiar insect forms. Each lifelike piece showcases his masterful artisanal skills. Yet more than a vessel of self-expression, his work is a way of paying homage to the intricacies of Mother Nature and sharing that with every attentive viewer.
如果说一花一世界,那么在 Raku Inoue 井上罗来 的手中,一虫能代表着大千世界。
目前为品牌 Reikan Apparel 的主创者之一的 Raku Inoue,生于日本,长于加拿大,他惯以大自然随处可得的花草枝桠作为媒介,再把这些细枝末节拼接成昆虫的模样,堆叠的叶片让昆虫的身体变得饱满、立体且五彩斑斓,既显得良工巧匠,又浑然天成。这不仅仅是创意的表达,Raku Inoue 的作品更包含着对自然万物的细腻感受,并传递给每一个悉心的观者。

Behance: ~/RakuInoue
Instagram: @reikan_creations
Contributor: Chen Yuan