Japanese artist Hirotoshi Ito doesn’t carve the type of statues that most people might expect of traditional sculptors. Coming from a masonry background, Ito creates sculptures that preserves most of the stone’s original form and texture. Despite this, it’s often difficult to believe that Ito’s sculptures are made of solid rock, as his adept manipulation of the rigid medium makes many of his works appear as they were actually created with a much more malleable material. From laughing rocks with human teeth to unzipped rock pouches filled with seashells, Ito’s imaginative works seem to push the boundary of possibilities. See more of his surreal sculptures below.
日本艺术家伊藤博敏(Hirotoshi Ito)的雕塑作品颠覆了大多数人对传统雕塑家的想法。伊藤博敏本是一名石匠,他所创作的雕塑作品在很大程度上保留了石头本身原来形状和纹理。但是,看到他的雕塑作品,人们难以相信它们竟然是坚硬的岩石。他对这些坚硬材料的熟练处理,使它们看上去像是更软的材料。从笑着露出牙齿的石头,到拉链打开、装满贝壳的“石袋”,伊藤博敏天马行空的作品,似乎在不断突破可能性的极限。下面一起来欣赏他所创作的超现实主义雕塑作品吧。

Website: jiyuseki.com
DeviantArt: jiyuseki.deviantart.com
Contributor: David Yen
Images Courtesy of Hirotoshi Ito