Seoul-based artist Jungho Lee creates surreal illustrations that bring the observations of his mind’s eye to life. Chock-full of symbolism, the imaginary settings he’s conjured are populated with an array of peculiarities. From strange books of varying shapes and sizes to cloudy dreamscapes and glowing cabins, his drawings exude a tranquility that’s tinged with a sense of loneliness.
Lee says, “Everyone experiences loneliness deep in their hearts. To be composed and face it head on is something that can make you more mature . . . Ultimately, I hope people can use their personal experiences to interpret my works in their own way and be more attuned to their own inner voice.”
插画艺术家 Jungho Lee 长居韩国首尔,在那里,他画下许多超现实的插画作品。他的作品展现着许多奇谲的视觉隐喻,画作和脑海中现实重叠:微启的书册、迷雾的夜晚、透着光亮的房子……透着安宁的意味,却也让人感到沉寂的孤独。
“每个人都有自己内心深处的孤独,坦然面对它会让自己的内心更加成熟。我希望我的画能根据大家各自的经历自由解读,可以倾听自己内心的声音。”Jungho 说。

Website: leejungho.com
Instagram: @jungho.el
Contributor: Chen Yuan
网站: leejungho.com
Instagram: @jungho.el
供稿人: Chen Yuan