China has often been associated with shanzhai counterfeit culture, from brand name apparels to electronic gadgets. But it is not just consumer goods being copied, even cities are vulnerable when it comes to Chinese cloning. As odd as it might seem to replicate an entire city, it is actually a common practice in China that can be traced all the way back to the Qin dynasty where the emperor would commission replicas of conquered palaces. On the outskirts of Beijing, there is a replica of Jackson Hole, Wyoming; in Guangdong, there’s an entire fake Austrian village; and then there’s Tianducheng, a town located in the suburbs of Hangzhou, which has a scaled-down replica of Paris, complete with Parisian architecture and even a 354-foot high Eiffel Tower.
从名牌服装到电子产品,中国的山寨文化随处可见。但不仅仅是仿冒消费品,这股风潮还影响到中国的城市建设。在西方要复制一个城市这听上去是个非常怪诞的想法,但是在中国并不是什么新鲜事,其实早在秦朝,中国就有这样的先例,在那个时候,帝王就会下令复制出其征服的地方。在北京一郊区,有个完全模仿美国怀俄明州的小镇—— 杰克逊霍尔;广东有个村庄完整地复制了澳大利亚的乡村风格;杭州的市郊有一个迷你版的巴黎——天都城,这里不仅模仿了巴黎的建筑风格,甚至还修建了354英尺高的“埃菲尔铁塔”。
For Jamie XX’s “Gosh”, filmmaker Romain Gavras chose this faux Paris to be the backdrop for his music video. The video starts in a dark neon-lit room where an albino protagonist, played by Hassan Kone, lays on a large couch lost deep in his thoughts. Surrounding him on the couches are people wearing glowing goggles, seemingly immersed in virtual reality. The pace quickly ramps up as the video drops viewers in the middle of a clone of Paris and Jamie XX’s minimalistic electro sounds begin kicking into gear. Dressed in all white, the protagonist races down the street in a Subaru driven by a man in a mask, riding with his entourage.
Jamie XX单曲《Gosh》的MV由Romain Gavras执导,他选了这个复制版巴黎城为背景。MV在一个霓虹闪烁的昏暗房间拉开序幕,由Hassan Kone扮演的白化病男主角躺在一个大沙发上,陷入沉思。在他的周围,沙发上还围着一群带着亮眼护目镜的人,在虚拟世界中如梦似幻。随着MV中带着观众空投城市中心场景,节奏加快,Jamie XX极简化的电子音效开始进入指令式的重复。一身白装的的男主,带着他的随从,在一个面具男开车的Subaru车里沿着街道狂奔。

At the same time, hundreds of Chinese children in identical clothing and hair color are dashing through the empty streets. All of them moving with purpose as they close in on the replica of the Eiffel Tower looming ominously in the distance. The horde of doppelgänger children finally converges on the protagonist at the base of the tower where they begin orbiting him in a synchronized dance as his entourage looks on. The bizarre and dystopian vibes are reminiscent of the director’s earlier work for Kanye West’s “No Church in the Wild” and Justice’s “Stress”. Gavras’ impressive video involved a cast of 400 people and was shot without the use of CGI or 3D effects. Jamie XX’s In Colour album is available for purchase on his official website.
同时,数百个穿着相同的衣服,留着相同的发型的中国孩子,在空荡荡的街道,朝着复制版埃菲尔铁塔列步前进,建筑在远处或隐或现,诡异而不详。这一群幽灵般的少年最终在埃菲尔铁塔下将男主包围,以整齐划一的轨道围着他,男主的随从就在不远处静静观望。该古怪而带着反乌托邦式的MV风格让人想起导演早期的作品,如Kanye West的《No Church in the Wild》和Justice的《Stress》。整个MV个性十足,动用了400名群演,全程没有一个镜头使用CG或3D效果。Jamie XX的专辑《In Colour》可以在他的官网上购买。

Website: jamiexx.com
Soundcloud: ~/jamie-xx-official
Vimeo: ~/gavras
Contributor: David Yen
Video & Images Courtesy of Romain Gavras
网站: jamiexx.com
Soundcloud: ~/jamie-xx-official
Vimeo: ~/gavras
供稿人: David Yen
视频和图片由Romain Gavras提供