Indulging in Colors

May 23, 2017 2017年5月23日

Originally from Ningbo, Shadow Chen is an artist and illustrator currently based in Shanghai. Working primarily in digital illustration, her signature aesthetic indulges in psychedelic color palettes and liquid forms. Chen identifies her work as a sort of personal evolution, a discovery of the underlying patterns of the universe, as well as a healing process. According to her, “Art is therapeutic, and I want to make art that has the ability to cure others too.” To purchase a limited-edition print by Shadow Chen, please visit the Neocha Shop. See below for more select works from the artist.

Shadow Chen 是来自中国上海的艺术家和插画家。她主要专注于创作数码插图,迷幻的色调和液体形式是她的标志性美学风格。Chen认为自己的作品是一种个人的发展历程,是对隐藏在宇宙表面之下的模式探索,更是一个愈合的过程。她说:”艺术有治疗的作用,我想创作出能治愈他人的艺术。“点击进入Neocha在线商店,购买Shadow Chen的限量版印刷作品。下面是来自这名艺术家的更多精选作品。
Instagram: @_shadowchen_


Contributor: George Zhi Zhao

Instagram: @_shadowchen_


供稿人: George Zhi Zhao