Interior Landscapes 一个现实的理想主义者

December 3, 2018 2018年12月3日

Zeng Linshu defines herself as a “realistic idealist.” Her paintings are mostly inspired by her active inner world and the society around her. Inspiration can alight on any piece of space or scenery, people or things, actions or forms.

There’s a world at the heart of her work, but she doesn’t try to advertise it. Instead she wants people on the outside to quietly venture in. Through warm, muted, reserved tones, Zeng gives voice to her inner feelings and her stubborn pursuit of beauty. “The world in my paintings is free and unbound, brimming with the limitless possibilities of art,” she says. “And it’s these endless possibilities that lead the public deep in thought—an exploration of humanity, life, and philosophy.”

Linshu 琳姝定义自己,是“一个现实的理想主义者”。她的绘画,多数的灵感来源都是活跃的内心世界或者现实的社会,一切的空间与景、人与物、行为与形态都有被灵感恩赐的可能。


: ~/Linshu Zeng

Contributor: Chen Yuan

: ~/Linshu Zeng

供稿人: Chen Yuan

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