Established in 2015, H.SSHONE is a jewelry brand founded by twin sisters Evie Huang and Angie Huang. As long-time residents of Shanghai, the two sisters noticed the younger generation had a renewed interest in shiny stones and treasured metals. Working with a local jewel maker who specializes in Italian crafting techniques, their creations borrow from images of ancient European figures, icons, and emblems. Recently, we talked to the two sisters to learn more about their creative process and approach to jewel making.
Neocha: First of all, what’s the meaning behind the name H.SSHONE?
H.SSHONE: The H.S in our brand name comes from the abbreviation of our Chinese names – Shitong Huang and Shiying Huang. The “shone” is the past tense of shine, which of course is related to the bright resplendence of jewelry. But besides that, our use of the past tense alludes to the historical aspects of jewelry, which spans thousands of years. Our brand name is a combination of these elements.
Neocha: 首先,H.SSHONE这个名字的含义是?
H.SSHONE: H.SSHONE中的 “H.S” 来自于我们两个名字的黄诗盈和黄诗彤的缩写。”Shone“是”shine“的过去式,当然就是代表闪耀的珠宝,至于为什么用过去式,是想隐喻珠宝长远的历史文化。H.SSHONE正是由这几个元素组成的。

Neocha: Who do you envision wearing your jewelry?
H.SSHONE: Our collection aims to be chic, full of attitude, and approachable for both genders. We wants our jewelry to be a part of people’s lifestyles, easily able to be worn on a day-to-day basis . Generally, our customers have vibrant personalities and possess their own unique style.
Neocha: 你们觉得自己的设计受众是?
H.SSHONE: 我们的设计想做到精致时尚,有态度,并且男女皆可佩戴。我们希望它可以是生活方式的一种,是适合每天佩戴的首饰。我们的客户大多数是很有个性,追求独特风格的时髦人士

Neocha: For the first two collections, the two of you were greatly inspired by Egyptian and European aesthetics. Where did the inspiration come from for your latest collection?
H.SSHONE: The new collection, “Tomber Amoureux,” is actually inspired by everyday life. It originates from our love of life and all the beauties to be discovered in it. The collection is a combination of our observations and feelings.
Neocha: 最早的两个系列,可以看出你们的灵感源自古埃及和古欧洲的经典美学,那最近的这个系列的灵感又来自哪里呢?
H.SSHONE: 新的一季“Tomber Amoureux”的珠宝的设计灵感实际上就是来自日常生活。它源于我们对生活的观察及感受。它是有关我们对生活的热情,以及生活中的隐藏之美的。
Neocha: Living in Shanghai, how has this city influenced your style and jewelry designs?
H.SSHONE: The city itself is magical and filled with charm. There’s a lot of cultural exchange and so many different forms of artistic expression. This dynamic is endlessly inspiring. Also, the people who live in Shanghai have great taste and they’re constantly looking for ways to improve their standards of living.
Neocha: 生活在上海,这个城市给你们的设计风格带来什么影响呢?
H.SSHONE: 上海这座城市充满魅力。你能经常在这里接触到各国文化的交流和不同形式的艺术碰撞,这样的多元性总能带给人们源源不断的灵感。而且,住在这里的人大多都品味不错,也不断追求着提高生活品质。
Neocha: Where do you see H.SSHONE heading in the future?
H.SSHONE: We hope our jewelry can reflect the personality of the wearer. Each design is actually quite consistent with our personal style; they’re minimal, but carry a sense of elegance and power. We very much hope that whether you’re a man or a woman, you can take our jewelry, find their own interpretation of it, and use it to express themselves in a unique way. We want our customers to not only feel satisfied by our designs; we want the spirit of our products to help them voice their identity.
Neocha: 你对H.SSHONE的未来有什么期望?
H.SSHONE: 很希望我们的珠宝能投射出佩戴者的个人性格。我们的设计风格基本都是统一的,简约优雅但充满力量感,但我们希望男士和女士都能佩戴这些珠宝,并诠释出自己的风格,用它来彰显自己独特的个性。希望产品在被客户喜欢之外,其背后的精神还能帮大家找到自己。
Weibo: ~/hsshonejewelry
WeChat: stoneashanghai
Instagram: @hsshonejewelry
Contributor: Juno Liu
Photographer: Crown Wang
Stylist: Shou Xing
Hair & Make-up: Zhang Jiajia & Sean Sheng
Photography Assistant: Paul Gardette
微博: ~/hsshonejewelry
微信: stoneashanghai
Instagram: @hsshonejewelry
供稿人: Juno Liu
摄影师: Crown Wang
造型师: Shou Xing
化妆&发型: Zhang Jiajia & Sean Sheng
摄影助理: Paul Gardette