After graduating with a degree in visual design, Seoul-based artist Daye Kim decided to pursue illustration full-time. Kim’s artworks are fun and colorful, employing a distinct aesthetic comprised of solid colors and simple shapes, which she uses to tell anecdotes of the different people she’s encountered in her day-to-day life. “I get all of my inspiration from people, from their stories and the situations they create,” Kim shares with us. “It’s really fun to put all of these elements together and weave everything into a story of my own.”
来自韩国首尔的插画家 Daye Kim,目前任职于一家出版公司,工作之外,她会做些个人感到有趣的事,比如画插画。她画中最重要的主题始终是形形色色的人,“我从人身上得到灵感,他们的故事、他们生活的处境,是我创作之源。我喜欢把这些融合起来,融入到我的插画中去。”大学时主修视觉设计系的 Daye 坦言,她很注重对颜色的使用。她喜欢用简单的几种纯色来创作画面,并让它们与故事完美和谐地呈现出来。