With top galleries, artists, curators, and collectors from around the world in attendance every year, PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai has established itself as a leading photography exhibition in Asia and become a must-go event for photography and art enthusiasts.
In this edition of Neocha Roundup, we’ve compiled a list of a few exhibiting Asian photographers who you should keep be keeping an eye on when attending this year.
2018年亚洲最大的摄影艺术盛宴影像上海艺术博览会(PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai),将于今年九月再次揭开序幕。海内外艺术圈最顶尖的画廊、艺术家、策展人,以及藏家和观众,都将在此齐聚一堂,彼此交会碰撞出最精彩的艺术火花。
而本期 “Neocha 精选集”,我们挑选出本届博览会中十二位才华横溢的年轻摄影师,提前带你走进 “2018 影像上海艺术博览会” 的现场。
陈的 Chan Dick

Previously featured on our magazine, Hong Kong-based photographer Chan Dick will be exhibiting his Chai Wan Fire Station series at this year’s event. The award-winning photo series is a charming look at the daily life and routines of firefighters from an aerial perspective.
马秋莎 Ma Qiusha
Born in 1982, Ma Qiusha is a young artist who’s been making waves in the Chinese contemporary art scene. Her interdisciplinary art, spanning across include video, photography, installation, performance art, uses mundane and personal experiences to explore the complexities and nuances of interpersonal relationships.
生于 1982 年的马秋莎,目前是中国当代艺术圈内较为活跃的年轻艺术家之一,她的作品涉猎影像、摄影、装置及身体表演等各方面,往往从日常且细微的个体经验出发,虚实相杂,以探究人与人之间那种既微妙且复杂的关系。
陈维 Chen Wei

Often using photography to explore philosophical and abstract concepts, Chen Wei creates cinematic images that tread the line between reality and fantasy. One of his most iconic series, In the Waves, takes place in a neon-lit nightclub. Through the unexpected setting, he highlights the sense of alienation between humans in modern times.
张克纯 Zhang Kechen

After winning the National Geographic Picks Global Contest with an image of Sichuan’s Wenchuan Earthquake, photographer Zhang Kechun was inspired to explore and document the state of contemporary China. In Between Mountains and Rivers, he presents a series of bleak, gloomy scenes shrouded in a veil of perpetual haze. By focusing on landscapes that have been artificially altered or destroyed, the project examines the impact that humans have on the natural world.
蒋鹏奕 Jiang Pengyi
As a seasoned photographer, Jiang Pengyi boasts a diverse body of work that ranges from documentary works to conceptual art. For his In Some Time series, it almost looks the artist has been dabbling with watercolor painting. While no cameras were involved, each image was created inside a dark room using fluorescent paper and large-format film. Between the pastel colors and soft tones, each image feels airy and dreamlike.
苗颖 Miao Ying

Born in the 1980s, Miao Ying’s artistic sensibilities have been largely shaped by her upbringing through the digital era. A decade ago, she became one of the first few graduates from the New Media Department of the China Academy of Art. Her work examines the role of pop culture in our lives as well as the relationship between different art mediums and everyday aesthetic experiences. When seeing the humorous contrasts of her work, it’s hard to not crack a smile.
生于上世纪 80 年代的艺术家苗颖,从方兴未艾的数字媒体时代成长而来,她也成为十年前第一批毕业于中国美术学院新媒体系的学生之一。在她的作品里,有意把大众文化对我们日常生活的影响,以及将现实的审美与艺术媒介相结合,把两者对冲的幽默感嵌入作品里,却无一不让观众“心领神会”地笑起来。
陈萧伊 Chen Xiaoyi
An unexpected sense of melancholy emanates from the photography of Chen Xiaoyi. His experimental style was developed after winning the seventh annual Three Shadows award, a prominent Chinese photography competiton. The monochromatic works he now produces are abstract, complex, and desolate all at the same time. While they don’t depict any specific person, object, or event, they remain inexplicably compelling.
很难想象这样沉郁的照片出自未满 30 岁的摄影师陈萧伊。在两年前获得了第七届三影堂摄影奖后,陈萧伊参与了一些实验摄影项目与展览,风格抽象沉寂,黑白两色交错,画面斑驳却不知所指——无人、无事、无物,却异常引人入胜。
杨圆圆 Yang Yuanyuan

Based in Beijing, Yang Yuanyuan’s creative journey began after graduating from the London School of Communication with a degree in photography in 2013. Traveling through Poland, Brazil, and countless other countries, her documentary-style photography offers a poetically serene look at the relationship between people and their environments. While photography is her primary focus, her artistic practices now also include story writing, video, and more.
现居北京的摄影师杨圆圆,2013 年获得伦敦传媒学院的摄影本科学位之后,随即开始她的创作之旅,行迹波兰、巴西等地,在纪实摄影的领域中,不断探索自己与所处世界的关系。她的艺术实践包括多种形式,跨越摄影、文字、视频等多种媒介。以摄影为主,她的照片总是充满一股轻描淡写的宁静与诗意,独具风格。
Shibari (or Kinbaku) is the art of Japanese bondage and the main focus of photographer Leh YSL’s works. While her work might be seen as erotic desire, this isn’t necessarily the case. “For most people, as soon as they see the ropes, they automatically relate it to something sexual without seeing the stories being conveyed through my pictures,” she says. “It was from a more artistic perspective that I started learning Kinbaku, but I do also practice it from a BDSM perspective privately. If the objective of tying is for a photo shoot, I’m focused on the creative process, poses, colors, compositions, being able to convey the story and emotions in a picture.”
Leh YSL 是一位长居日本的 Shibari 艺术家。Shibari,又被称为 Kinbaku,意为绳结,又有“被迫束缚”之意。乍看起来,她的几张摄影作品带有些许情色和欲望的张力。但她说,“对于大多数人来说,只要看到他们自动地与性有关的东西,而没有真正地看到故事正在通过我的图片传达。从更艺术的角度出发,我开始学习 Kinbaku,同时我也从 BDSM 的角度练习……我专注于创作过程,姿势,颜色,构图,能够将故事和情感用图片表达出来。”
水谷吉法 Yoshinori Mizutani

From street snaps to conceptual photography, Yoshinori Mizutani is a Japanese photographer who’s well-versed in a variety of photographic styles. His creatively composed photos inject newfound vitality and beauty into ordinary moments that are often overlooked.
柳迪 Liu Di

Chinese visual artist Liu Di is constantly redefining what it means to be a photographer through his elaborate, unconventional images. His Animal Regulations series, which we’ve previously featured, does just this. By placing digital images of gargantuan beasts in familiar cityscapes, the project examines the relationship between civilization and nature.
廖逸君 Pixy Liao

In photographer Pixy Liao‘s ongoing photo series, Experimental Relationships, she looks to challenge the gender dyanmics of heterosexual relationships. Throughout the series, her boyfriend is shown as being a vulnerable, submissive, and sensitive partner. By depicting him with these traits that are stereotypically associated with women, the Shanghai-born hopes for people to reconsider their expectations of gender norms.
在摄影师廖逸君正在进行的摄影系列《Experimental Relationship》里,她挑战着异性恋关系中的性别问题。在整个系列中,她男友呈现出一个脆弱、顺从和敏感的伴侣的姿态。通过描述他与这些与女性有关的特征,上海出生的廖逸君希望人们能够重新思索他们对性别模式的看法。
PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai 2018 will once again be taking place at the Shanghai Exhibition Center. With over 50 international and Chinese galleries in attendance and the support of Shanghai’s leading museums, this year’s showing will be split into “Main” and “Platform” exhibitions. The former will be a showcase of contemporary works from top galleries around the world, while the latter will be highlighting emerging artists and up-and-coming galleries. The exhibition will also be split into four different themed sectors: Staged, Insights, Spotlight, and Conversation.
As one of PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai’s media partners, we’re happy to announce that we’ll be offering our readers tickets at a 15% discount when they use the code photofairsneocha at checkout. Click here to purchase tickets.
在这个初秋之际,集结了当下众多的国内外画廊和机构的第五届 “影像上海” 即将回归上海展览中心,届时将汇聚呈现约 50 家国际顶尖画廊,展区分为核心和平台两大版块,前者汇集了专注于现当代摄影的国际顶尖画廊,后者则是新兴艺术家和国际画廊的重要平台 。另有『在场』、『洞见』、『焦点』、『对话』等精彩特展和公共内容版块。
作为“影像上海 PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai”合作伙伴,即日起在 Neocha 平台购票,输入优惠编码:photofairsneocha,即可享受“2018 影像上海艺术博览会”门票 8.5 折。点击此处购买优惠票。
Event: 2018 PHOTOFAIRS | Shanghai
Exhibition Date: September 21, 2018 ~ September 23, 2018
12 pm ~ 6 pm (September 21)
11 am ~ 6 pm (September 22, 23)
1000 Yan’an Road, near Tongren Road
Shanghai Exhibition Centre
Jing’an District, Shanghai
People’s Republic of China
Website: www.photofairs.org
Facebook: ~/photofairs
Instagram: @photofairs
Contributor: Yang Yixuan, Chen Yuan
活动名称: 2018 影像上海艺术博览会
日期: 2018年9月21日——2018年9月23日
网站: www.photofairs.org
脸书: ~/photofairs
Instagram: @photofairs
供稿人: Yang Yixuan, Chen Yuan