Take a listen to an exclusive selection of tracks from PM2.5. The full album is available for purchase from SVBKVLT and comes with a limited-edition face mask.

Swimful is the alias of English-born, Shanghai-based producer Jamie Charlton. Having spent much of his youth performing improvised music, self-releasing CD-Rs independently and collaborating with artists such as Machinefabriek on the Echolalia project in 2010, he went on to study Sound Arts in London, where he was tutored by composers such as David Toop.
Swimful是生于英国现居上海的Jamie Charlton的化名。年少时的多数时间,都被他花在表演即兴音乐、自己独立发行刻录CD唱片,以及和其他艺术家合作——例如Echolalia LP中的Machinefabriek。此后,他前往伦敦学习声音艺术,正是这个时期,他接受到作曲家David Toop的辅导。
During this time, the Swimful project was born and collaborations with Lil B and Main Attrakionz followed. His recent productions have garnered support from a range of DJs and producers such as Slackk, Murlo, Scratcha DVA and J-Cush, and received airtime on stations such as Rinse FM, NTS and Radar Radio.
那段时间,叫做Swimful的项目诞生了,和Lil B的合作、和Main Attrakionz的合作也紧随其后。他最近向污垢舞曲和夜店舞曲的进军,获得了一大批DJ和制作人如Slackk、Murlo、Scratcha DVA和J-Cush的支持,作品也得以在Rinse FM、NTS和Radar Radio等诸多节目上播出。
Soundcloud: ~/Swimful
Website: svbkvlt.bandcamp.com
Contributor: George Zhi Zhao
Images Courtesy of Panda Lee (Wooozy) & J.C. Cochran
Soundcloud: ~/Swimful
网站: svbkvlt.bandcamp.com
供稿人: George Zhi Zhao
图片由Panda Lee (Wooozy) & J.C. Cochran提供