ShanghaiPRIDE was China’s first LGBTQ pride season, and is now currently in its eighth consecutive year of supporting and celebrating the local Chinese LGBTQ community. An entirely volunteer-led organisation, ShanghaiPRIDE constantly strives to make sure that they are representing the queer community in China properly, while also aiming to organize events and present film programming which is fresh, challenging, and meaningful for its audience.

上海骄傲电影节的协调人与设计者Matthew Baren说:“电影是中国酷儿运动十分重要的部分”,许多性少数群体活动家是电影制片人,他们通过纪录生活和展示诉求来形成影响,他还表示,“我们认为,电影不仅能娱乐大众,还能渗透人心,挑战观众的固有想法。叙事是拥有力量的。”

The eighth annual ShanghaiPRIDE is already currently underway, with ten days of cultural, social and educational events starting on June 17th, with a closing event on the 26th. For this year, ShanghaiPRIDE’s theme is “I Am Me”, which is an “affirmation that everyone should hold, regardless of gender, sexuality or other forms of identity,” says ShanghaiPRIDE Director Raymond Phang. The film festival is further celebrating GENDER in this year’s program, with films on transgender, non-binary and agender people, as well as a special focus on queer women.
眼下,第八届上海骄傲节正在如火如荼地进行中,6月17日开幕,26日闭幕,在这10天中,各种文化、社会及教育活动相继登场。今年,上海骄傲节的主题是“生为平常”, 其总策划Raymond Phang认为,“生为平常是一个每个人都该认可的认知,无论性别、性向或社会身份”。今年,电影节进一步展现不同的性别,拍摄了跨性别者、非传统男女性别者、无性别者与女性酷儿的故事。

In 2016, ShanghaiPRIDE will be screening around 40 films in total: 20 films in the short films competition; alongside nine feature films, including a 20th anniversary screening of Zhang Yuan’s East Palace, West Palace ; 11 curated short films from Pakistan, Myanmar and the rest of the Asia-Pacific region; and also some of the biggest international hits of the past year.

The festival seeks to support Chinese queer filmmakers, and have spent the past two years developing a network of festivals all around the world to help promote films from the short film competition to an international audience. In addition to a few exciting Chinese film premieres in this year’s program, ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival will also host their first Queer Film Conference Day on June 25th, which will include a series of talks by filmmakers and distributors aimed at aspiring queer filmmakers, content creators or just film enthusiasts.


Website: shpride.com/films
WeChat: Shanghai-PRIDE
Contributor: Leon Yan
Images Courtesy of ShanghaiPRIDE Film Festival