The first-ever Kathmandu Triennale will be kicking off this Friday. Organized by the Siddhartha Arts Foundation, the inaugural event aims to celebrate Nepal’s rich cultural history and its growing art scene. As an extension of the past two Kathmandu International Art Festivals, the Triennale shares a similar goal of showcasing the educational potential of art and opening up a dialogue around the various social issues of modern-day Nepal.
本周五,首届加德满都三年展(Kathmandu Triennale,KT 2017 )即将开幕,主办方为悉达多艺术基金会(Siddhartha Arts Foundation),旨在展现尼泊尔丰富的文化历史,及其日益繁荣的艺术文化。作为过去两届加德满都国际艺术节(KIAF)的延伸,三年展的目标也在于传达艺术的教育影响力,也针对现今尼泊尔的各种社会问题,为大家创造对话的平台。

The Triennale this year is built upon the successful 2009 and 2012 editions of KIAF. The metric that defines their success goes beyond the large turnout, positive reception, and notable artists who attended. It’s measured by the lasting impact these two festivals have left on Nepal as a whole. During KIAF 2012, Cambodian artist Leang Sackon’s 70-meter-long installation, The Naga, needed to be transported into Nepal from Cambodia. To allow passage through India, amendments were made to an outdated transit treaty between India and Nepal, which has led to many economic benefits for Nepal. The past festivals also invited various schools to attend guided tours of the festival with the goal of teaching the youth about the value of art. This initiative, along with other like-minded art education platforms, has begun to shift the conservative viewpoint of the Nepalese school system that previously only saw art as an extracurricular activity.
2009年和2012年举办的两届KIAF十分成功,为今年三年展的举办奠定基础。前两届KIAF吸引了众多观众,获得了公众的热情参与,更有多位著名艺术家参展,更重要的是,它们的举办为尼泊尔留下了深远的影响。在KIAF 2012期间,柬埔寨艺术家Leang Sackon 为了将70 米长的艺术装置《The Naga》从柬埔寨运到尼泊尔,促使印度和尼泊尔重新修订了两国间过时的过境条约,为尼泊尔带来了长久的经济利益。在前两届KIAF中,主办方还邀请了当地学校组织有解说的参观活动,目标是让青少年更多地了解艺术的价值。这样的活动,正逐渐改变尼泊尔学校以往只把艺术看作课外活动的传统观念。

The central theme of this year’s Triennale revolves around the concept of “The City.” The primary exhibition, The City, My Studio / The City, My Life, will explore the idea of cities being nodes of creativity. Through presenting a mix of new and existing works of participating artists, the exhibition will examine the complex role and multiple functions of cities, showing how they’re interconnected into the heritage, lives, and creative processes of these individuals. The exhibition is also dedicated to all those who lost their lives in Nepal’s 2015 earthquakes.
此次三年展的中心主题是“城市”。主要展览《The City, My Studio / The City, My Life》(城市——我的工作室,城市——我的生活)探索了以城市为创意节点的理念。通过展示各国艺术家的作品,探讨城市的各种复杂角色和功能,展现出城市与艺术家个人在传统、生活和创作过程中的相互联系。此外,今年的三年展的举办也是为了致献在2015年尼泊尔地震中丧生的人们。

KT 2017 will be inviting over 50 artists from 25 different countries to participate in this year’s exhibitions, such as influential local artists Ang Tsherin Sherpa, Kiran Maharjan, Hit Man Gurung and many more. Prolific international artists like Cai Guoqiang, Francis Alÿs, Surasi Kusolwong will also be showcasing their work in the city. KT 2017 will take place between March 24th and April 9th at multiple venues across the city of Kathmandu. Check out the official Kathmandu Triennale website for more information.
KT 2017 将邀请50多名来自25个不同国家的艺术家参加今年的展览,包括当地艺术家 Ang Tsherin Sherpa和 Kiran Maharjan,几位著名的国际艺术家,如蔡国强、Francis Alÿs和Surasi Kusolwong等也会在这里展出他们的作品。KT 2017 定于3 月 24 日至 4 月 9 日在加德满都多个场地举行。登陆浏览加德满都三年展官方网站,就能了解更多相关信息。