UNDEF/NE is a newly opened cultural space in Shanghai’s M50 Art Zone. The actual physical space is multi-function, serving as a stylish setting for a wide range of cultural events, live performances, creative workshops, and exhibitions.

Previously the venue was a large room in a factory, that was later abandoned. The original windows, concrete columns and iron doors from the factory are all still intact, but have been redone with a monochromatic theme to compliment the industrial feel of the space.

You can enjoy a cup of fresh coffee, have a glass of draft beer from tap, or sit and have a conversation with your friends in UNDEF/NE’s open space.

As a community space for art and design, UNDEF/NE regularly hosts events for creative people to come together. Their “Made in Shanghai” event earlier this year kicked off a monthly series of social gatherings that introduced attendees to emerging designers and artists in a casual setting.
作为一个以艺术和设计主题为主的空间,UNDEF/NE经常会举办一些创意活动。今年年初开启了“上海制造”(Made in Shanghai)的系列活动,用很轻松的方式,每个月定期介绍一位新锐艺术家或设计师。

“Brew & Blend”, another popular recent event this year, drew in thousands of visitors to M50 over the course of two days, featuring dozens of creative brands and artists.
另一个品牌项目“BREW & BLEND” 是一个提倡创意型生活方式 & 融合性咖啡文化的公众社群活动。2015年的“BREW & BLEND”成为了上海M50创意园区创立至今最为大型与最具影响力的公众活动,有40个创意品牌、50位当代艺术家与创意者以及20家生活方式媒体参加,两天参观人数甚至达到了1万人次。

From the unique offerings in its physical space (i.e. the men’s “Barber Corner”, the open-space coffee bar, and exhibition space) to their efforts to build a local community of creatives, UNDEF/NE will continue to expand and innovate. There will be many more exciting events, workshops, and chances to come together on the horizon.
Room 105, Bldg 6
50 Moganshan Road (near West Suzhou Road)
Putuo District, Shanghai
People’s Republic of China
Phone: 6226 6020
Hours: 10am~6pm daily
Website: undefine.com.cn
中国 上海市普陀区
电话:6226 6020
网站: undefine.com.cn