Hsu Tung Han is a Taiwanese artist who creates spectacular pixelated wooden sculptures of the human form. Using walnut wood, teak, and African padauk as raw materials, Han’s work seamlessly blends together the natural and the digital, redefining the timeless art of sculpture in the technological age.

Each sculpture begins with conceptualization, sketching its multiple layers and components, and is then modeled in Photoshop before the actual woodworking process begins. Han says, “Sometimes I’ll work on a piece for a long time. Maybe I’ll be stuck at a critical point for weeks. I’ll feel exhausted and my perception isn’t as sharp as usual. I’ll know there’s a problem, but I can’t pin it down. To stop for the moment is the best choice. If I can’t stop, then I have to think of another way to move forward.”

After the sculpture begins to take form, Han will engage in meticulous revisions, with the entire process often taking months to complete. He says, “It helps to photograph the sculptures. In the photograph, I can see the problems clearly. Another method is to look at the reflection of the work in the mirror. If the image in the mirror works, then the actual piece itself won’t be far off from completion.”

Website: blog.xuite.net/hsutunghan6
Facebook: ~/wood7man
Contributor: George Zhi Zhao
Images Courtesy of Hsu Tung Han