All designers strive to provide users a sense of joy and fulfillment through their designs. No matter if it’s a space, a game, or software, they hope for their design to be immersive and to become an escape from reality. In 2015, COORDINATION ASIA designed The Nike Studio for Nike Beijing around the concepts of infinity and empowerment. The sleek and futuristic design won them the prestigious ‘best-of-best’ award for the interior retail category from the German Design Council’s Iconic Awards.
在设计界里,不管是娱乐场所空间、游戏还是功能性软件的设计中,设计师们都力求在所营造的情境中,参与者们可以感到愉悦和满足,从而忘记真实世界。是为沉浸式体验。近期,协调亚洲在2015年为北京耐克工作室The Nike Studio所进行的设计,便以基于有趣和未来主题的沉浸式设计,斩获德国设计委员会标志性设计奖室内零售设计类别的最佳设计奖。
Looking to celebrate the World Athletics Championship in Beijing and to help promote China’s “National Fitness Program,” Nike temporarily converted a 1200 square meter art gallery into an impressive multipurpose space. There, they unveiled the Nike Holiday 2015 collection and their brand new running community N+RC (Nike+ Run Club). The renovated space consisted of brightly lit display rooms, dark workout labs, and multi-functional lounge areas.
2015年,Nike品牌为了迎接当年的北京世界田径锦标赛,推广全民健身,对一个1200平方米的艺术画廊进行了临时改造,并在此展出当季的Nike Holiday 2015系列和最新的奔跑社区系列N+RC(Nike+ Run Club)。整个空间涵盖了包括亮色系的产品陈列区、暗色系的高能运动工作室,甚至多功能休息区等一系列体验空间。
In the spacious product showroom, COORDINATION ASIA’s design team used frosted-over installations and brightly lit, high ceilings to create a sleek all-white interior. “Flash Pack” and “H015” from the Nike 2015 winter collection were on display atop elevated platforms within reflective booths, carefully arranged on linear panels. The design is meant to urge visitors to go outside, brave the cold of winter, and go for a run. Shoes from the Nike ZOOM collection were also on display, placed in rows on semi-transparent LED screens, giving them the illusion of being suspended in midair.
在产品陈列区,协调亚洲的设计团队在宽敞的敞开式空间内,用磨砂的装置设计和明亮、高挑的天花营造出冰冻和严寒的感觉。他们将2015年冬季的“Flash Pack”和“H015”系列置于镜面展台的包围中,精心陈列在悬挂的线条鲜明的层板上,从而更好地表达出产品鼓励人们走出户外,不惧严寒尽情奔跑的设计理念。“ZOOM”系列的所有鞋子则被固定在几排半透明的LED屏幕上,在光影的衬托下如同悬浮在空中,着重体现出动感的韵律。
The workout lab drastically differs from the product showroom. Instead of bright alabaster walls, it’s a nearly all-black space. LED lights pierce the space in the form of intersecting luminous lines. In the dark space, the LEDs aren’t only sources of light, but are used to turn the space into a futuristic scene that feels to have come straight out of a sci-fi film. Furthermore, the contrasting light and darkness brings forth a sense of intensity that aims to convey the allure of sports and athletics.

Venturing from the workout space to the multi-functional rest area, the color scheme gradually becomes brighter. The locker room is flanked by black cabinets on both sides of the room, which are connected to white LED strips running along the walls and ceiling. Boldly emblazoned on the wall is a motivational phrase that reads: “Don’t dream of it. Train for it.”
在运动实验室转向多功能休息区处,色彩逐渐转向明亮。“运动员休息室”空间内布有相应设计的座椅以供运动员休息;更衣室内,两侧黑色的衣物柜上方通过附在墙壁和天花板的白色LED发光条连接,承袭了整个空间的线条感,墙上更写有“Don’t dream of it. Train for it.”(将梦想付诸行动)装点空间,激励斗志。

Throughout the entire project, COORDINATION ASIA worked closely off of the concepts of Nike’s co-founder Bill Bowerman’s two quotes: “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world” and “If you have a body, you’re an athlete.” The core of the design still revolved around the concepts of infinity and empowerment, and COORDINATION ASIA’s meticulous use of lines successfully turned the space into an impactful visual experience that conveyed a sense of infinity and athletic passion.
协调亚洲的设计团队在整个项目中,从耐克联合创始人Bill Bowerman所言的“让全世界的运动员都能感受到创新与动力”以及“每个人都可以成为运动员”作为源点出发,以“无限和力量”为主线,利用线条在透视中产生的延伸感,创造出一种对感官的冲击,成功让人感受到运动的激情。