The Chinese zodiac is a repeating cycle of twelve years, with each year being represented by a different animal. These twelve animals were chosen due to their relevance and cultural importance in China. 2016 is the Year of the Monkey, and people born under this zodiac sign are considered to be cunning and intelligent.
To celebrate the Year of the Monkey, Neocha collaborated with internationally renowned artist James Jean (whose Zugzwang series we previously featured) to create a special edition Beats by Dr. Dre “Year of the Monkey” Solo2 wireless headphones. The collaboration brought to life the traditional story of The Three Wise Monkeys who “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” The headphones presents the three wise monkeys hidden in an abstract design to show how they would exist in a modern context. The three monkeys are no longer unknowing; they can see it all, hear it all, and say it all in an instant. They are awakened, empowered, and curious.
This project was part of a campaign developed by our creative agency. You can learn more about the campaign here.
为了庆祝猴年到来,Neocha与国际知名艺术家James Jean(其Zugzwang系列早先已由我们报道过)携手重塑谚语故事中“三不猴”的“非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言”,打造Beats by Dr. Dre猴年特别版Solo 2无线耳机。这款耳机将三只猴子藏匿在抽象的设计中,以此诠释它们在现代语境中的存在。这三只猴子不再被蒙蔽,它们看尽一切,耳闻四方,即刻倾诉。它们更加觉醒,更具力量,也满心好奇。

The Five Elements: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth all play huge roles in Chinese astrology. Besides this year being the Year of the Monkey, 2016 is also a Fire Phase. James managed to draw inspiration from the concept of fire as well as the rebirthing energy of flames for this collaborative project. This is evident on the headset as the three wise monkeys are shrouded by a flowing torrent of white-hot flames. The Mandala, a sacred Buddhist symbol representing the universe, was also another source of inspiration during the design process. Mandalas consists of an outer ring of fire, which James feels like the headphones are representative of. Beyond the ring of fire is chaos, external elements that this outer ring of fire keeps out. In the center of the Mandala is pure wisdom, a core of enlightenment, which is represented by the mind of the wearer.

James’ preliminary sketches reveal other color ways that were considered. Ultimately though, he decided on a neutral colors, and used a matte gray and white palette. He prefers the minimal design and clean colors as they give a sense of pureness and better represent a fresh start to a new year.
James Jean的初期草图展示了前期考虑过的其它配色方式,最终他选择了中性色调,以亚光灰和白色作为最终的设计基调。他表示自己不想用过于繁复的设计,倾向以干净的色调来象征即将来临的新年,一场焕然一新的开始。
As part of the campaign, James also produced a limited edition artprint which he will release later this year. This artwork was created solely on the iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil. James revealed that this was the first time that he has completed a piece of work with a digital stylus. For the finishing touches, he processed it using Photoshop and VSCO filters. As much as he enjoys analog approaches to creating his art, he feels digital software has become a convenient tool for modern artists. He views a digital stylus the same as a traditional paintbrush – they are just tools to create. While tools are important, James stresses that the “creative idea and vision are the most important.”
作为猴年广告的一部分,James也为Apple品牌创作了另一个限量版设计,计划将于今年晚些时候发布。而这次的设计稿完全是他靠一支触控笔在iPad Pro上独立完成,他说这是他第一次用触控笔完成一幅画作。当插画完成后,他将其导入VSCO和Photoshop进行最后润色。同样喜欢传统方式作画的他认为比起传统笔刷,使用数码软件作画已经日益成为当代艺术家更为便捷的创作方式,他打趣说尽管他无法从草图阶段就开始使用数码作画,但至少他还是能用它进行创作的。最后他强调绘画工具对于艺术家来说并不是最重要的,“概念和想象力才是最重要的部分。”