Once the epicentre of the Singapore spice trade, the original Warehouse Hotel was built in 1895, along the Singapore River. The building’s placement along the Straits of Malacca Trade route meant that it soon became “a hotbed of secret societies, underground activity, and liquor distilleries.”
毗邻新加坡河的Warehouse Hotel始建于1895年,前身是新加坡香料贸易中心。酒店所在的大楼地处马六甲海峡贸易路线,因此,在那个年代它很快就成为了一个“供秘密社团,地下活动和酒厂聚集的温床。”

Today, The Warehouse Hotel has been restored into a contemporary 37-room independent hotel that is characterised by the area’s rich heritage and Singapore’s unique local culture.
现在,Warehouse Hotel经过翻修,被改造成为一家拥有37间客房的现代化酒店。酒店所在街区丰富的历史遗产和新加坡独特的本土文化成就了酒店独特的风格。

The hotel was revamped by a homegrown agency, The Asylum – head designer and founder, Chris Lee remarked “Our focus has been to protect the property’s legacy while creating a fresh perspective on the term ‘industrial’. The environment is warm and sophisticated to prevent it from being too obviously grounded in what has been before.”
酒店由本土公司The Asylum负责改造,首席设计师和创始人Chris Lee表示:“我们的重点是保留酒店大楼本身的历史感,同时呈现出一种全新的‘工业’式风格。整体的环境设计是偏温暖和精致的,以避免酒店前身的工业印象显得过于强烈。”

The industrial theme is continued through the Warehouse Hotel’s flagship restaurant, Po, named after “popo”, the Mandarin word for grandmother. The restaurant boasts a similar industrial chic style – seeking to serve creative renditions of Singapore’s unique culinary heritage by employing the very best of Asia’s ingredients.
Warehouse Hotel的旗舰餐厅Po延续了酒店的工业风设计。餐厅名字来自中文“祖母“的普通话发音“popo”。整间餐厅的设计体现出同样的别致工业风格,餐厅采用亚洲地区最上乘的食材,创意演绎新加坡的独特烹饪文化。

The Warehouse Hotel truly seeks to be “not just a hotel, but an entire experience.” The front desk doubles as a retail installation, curated by local furniture creator Gabriel Tan, in collaboration with Supermama’s Edwin Low. Each of the guest rooms features coffee and tea mugs made by a local ceramic studio, Mud Rock. Every aspect of the hotel’s design, from the lobby bar to the in-room amenities celebrates the country’s past and present.
Warehouse Hotel真正的目标“不只是成为一间酒店,而是提供给客人一种完整的体验”。酒店前台被设计为一个零售装置,由当地的家具设计师Gabriel Tan与Supermama的Edwin Low合作打造。每间客房均摆放着由当地陶瓷工作室Mud Rock制作的咖啡杯和茶杯。从大堂酒吧到客房设施,酒店各处的设计都体现着这个国家的过去和现在。

320 Havelock Road
Robertson Quay
+65 6828 0000
Website: thewarehousehotel.com
Facebook: ~/thewarehousehotel
Instagram: @thewarehousehotel
Contributor: Whitney Ng
Images Courtesy of Asylum Creative PTE LTD
320 Havelock Road
Robertson Quay
+65 6828 0000
网站: thewarehousehotel.com
脸书: ~/thewarehousehotel
Instagram: @thewarehousehotel
供稿人: Whitney Ng
图片由 Asylum Creative PTE LTE 提供