With an affinity for neon-lit alleyways and rain-slicked streets, Japanese photographer Masashi Wakui roams the nocturnal cityscape of Tokyo, capturing the Japanese capital in all of its luminous splendor. Wakui’s unique post-processing style instills his photos with a cinematic moodiness that has become his signature aesthetic. His colorful images blur the boundary between reality and fiction, often more closely resembling scenes out of Akira or Ghost in the Shell than real life. Check out more photos from the talented photographer below.
日本摄影师Masashi Wakui专注于捕捉东京迷幻的城市夜景,尤其是布满霓虹灯的小巷和反着光的潮湿街道。在Wakui的镜头下,东京仿佛是一座永远发着光的不夜城,这些场景看起来游离于现实和虚幻之间,给人一种电影般的氛围感。独特的色彩处理和光线的运用为Wakui的照片带来一种强烈的个人风格,有时甚至有点像日本动画片《亚基拉》和《攻壳机动队》中的场景。下面和我们一起看看这位摄影师更多的作品吧。

Flickr: ~/megane_wakui
Tumblr: masa-photo.tumblr.com
Instagram: @masashi_wakui
Contributor: David Yen