What Makes a Selfie “Good”?

July 19, 2017 2017年7月19日

No clever camera angles, no flawless porcelain-like skin, and not even a hint of a smile, Izumi Miyazaki‘s selfies aren’t particularly flattering—she’s often void of expression, or perhaps a bit drowsy. Her ascent to internet stardom was nothing like your typical internet influencer. Her devoted online following and feature in TIME magazine are the result of the surreal approach with which she shoots and edits her self-portraits.

Born in 1994, the Musashino Art University graduate uses Photoshop to bend the possibilities of reality, creating outlandish scenes with sprinkled black humor. These playful images touch on heavy subjects, such as death, loneliness, and identity. “The tomato sauce coming out of my decapitated head represent my feelings towards mortality,” Miyazaki explains of the above image. “The imagery is meant to present a positive attitude towards death. It’s the same with the photo of my head being cut in half with a fish; I wanted to share my feelings in a comical way.”

Scroll down to check out some more of Miyazaki’s self-portraits.

没有黄金45度仰拍,没有无暇的蛋壳肌,甚至连一丝笑容都没有,总以一副严肃甚至有点呆滞的表情出现在镜头前。日本少女 Izumi Miyazak i就是以她与众不同的超现实自拍照走红于网络,甚至登上了美国《时代周刊》。Izumi Miyazaki 1994 年出生于日本山梨县,就读于武藏野美术大学。她利用 Photoshop 放大了现实世界的可能性,营造出古怪荒诞的个人世界,用冷幽默的画面去传达她对孤独、死亡和身份认同等话题的理解。“脑袋里流出的番茄酱是我对于死亡的态度,这种意象有点乐观又有点滑稽。”在介绍自己作品的时候 Izumi Miyazaki 这样讲到,“被劈开的生鱼和脑袋也是这样,我想用喜剧的方式去呈现死亡。” 下面一起看看 Izumi Miyazak i的更多“迷之自拍“。

Website: izumimiyazaki.tumblr.com


Contributor: Ye Zi

网站: izumimiyazaki.tumblr.com


供稿人: Ye Zi

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